SCP-236 - SCP Foundation
Oct 11, 2022 · SCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be …
SCP-236-DE - SCP Foundation
Apr 24, 2024 · Description: SCP-236-DE is a large white ceramic cup with a height of 12 cm, a diameter of 9 cm, and a storage capacity of around 500 ml. The object does not show any …
SCP-236 | Mimic "Crabs" (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-236: Mimic "Crabs" , Object class: Keter.SCP-236 appea...
SCP-236 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-236 is a horde of tiny crabs that become strong and agile when in a group and can perfectly imitate inanimate objects.
SCP-236 - Fondation SCP
SCP-236 peut utiliser les êtres humains ou n'importe quels êtres vivants comme des ressources, pourvu que l'essaim soit d'une taille suffisante. Un essaim d'une taille modérée peut convertir …
SCP-236 - SCP財団
scp-236単体は光、素早い運動、または大きな音に対して恐怖を示します。この恐怖は群れの数に比例して減少しますが、大群でも突発的な音や強い明かりには驚くことがあります。擬態 …
SCP-236 - Крабы-маскировщики
Описание: SCP-236 представляет собой стаю микроскопических крабов, не принадлежащих ни к одному известному виду. Детали их физиологии указывают на искусственное …
SCP-236 - SCP Foundation Database
SCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be startled by a …
SCP-236-FR - SCP Foundation
Mar 22, 2024 · SCP-236-FR is located in the center of an exceptionally strong thunderstorm approximately 3 kilometers in diameter. The storm is a force 11 on the Beaufort scale, causing …
SCP-236 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
SCP-236 dường như hoạt động dưới một dạng trí thông minh tập thể hay còn gọi là “tâm trí tổ ong”. Trí thông minh này dường như phát triển khi từng cá thể SCP-236 ở gần nhau và tiêu …