SCP-234 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-234 is a species of organism of presumed extradimensional origin resembling fish measuring approximately 25 mm in length. SCP-234 does not appear to have any eyes or light-sensitive organs, but navigates via a highly evolved sense of echolocation.
SCP-234-ARC - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · Description: SCP-234 is a statue of a woman wearing flowing robes carved from a single lapis lazuli stone. It was recovered from on the 8th of March 19 . Locals had secretly maintained an all female cult devoted to the care of the statue as a goddess figure.
SCP-234 | Extradimensional Fish (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Jul 30, 2021 · SCP-234 is a species of organism of presumed extradimensional origin resembling fish measuring approximately 25 mm in length. SCP-234 does not appear to have any eyes or light-sensitive...
SCP-234 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-234是一种外形类似鱼的,被认定是度外转换点的一种生物,约有25毫米长。 SCP-234似乎没有眼睛或任何感光器官,不过可以通过回波定位感知周围。 它通过一个充满气体类似鳔的器官保持浮力,使它可以浮在空中,且其行为表现得类似于杂事食腐物种,尽管至今为止没有观测到它吃过任何地球有机物质。 SCP-234似乎只能存在于一个封闭的,有空气的空间内,并会自发进入诸如此类的封闭空间或任何进入红区的物体,红区是一片位于 [已编辑]附近半径约为300 …
SCP-234 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-234 is a species of extradimensional fish that are 25 mm long. It uses echolocation to move around. It can float in the air and it doesn't eat. It can only exist inside enclosed spaces within the Red Zone, an area in some mountains.
Site-234 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Site-234 is an SCP Foundation facility in Jefferson County, Alabama, outside the city of Birmingham; the site is disguised as pharmaceutical research laboratories. It is the primary containment facility for microbiological and biochemical anomalies, hosting laboratories built to...
SCP-234 - SCP財団
特別収容プロトコル: scp-234は、半径300メートルのscp-234のレッドゾーンを含む封じ込めエリア06-234で研究されています。レッドゾーン内の主要な実験室のある建物は、ドアや閉じた窓の無い"オープンエア"構造で建てられています。
SCP-234 - Fundação SCP - Wikidot
Descrição: SCP-234 é uma espécie de organismo de origem extradimensional semelhante à peixes com aproximadamente 25 mm de comprimento. SCP-234 não parece ter nenhum olho ou órgãos sensíveis à luz, mas navega através de um sentido altamente evoluído de equalização.
SCP-234 - Экстрамерная рыба
Описание: SCP-234 является одним из видов организмов предполагаемо внепространственного происхождения, напоминающий собой рыбу размером примерно 25 мм в длину. SCP-234, судя по всему, не имеет глаз или светочувствительных органов, а ориентируется в пространстве с помощью высоко развитых чувств эхолокации.
Item #: SCP-234 (now known as Dr Anne Green) Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Green is to be contained in a standard anomalous humanoid containment chamber and to be allowed free roam of the facility without being allowed to go outside of the facility for obvious potential security breach scenarios.
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