SCP-174 - SCP Foundation
Jul 8, 2022 · Description: SCP-174 is a wooden ventriloquial figure measuring 53 cm from head to toe, with somewhat ragged clothing and slight damage to several sections. Judging by the item's style and state of repair, it dates from the early 20th Century.
SCP-174 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-174, also known as "The Ventriloquist's Dummy", is a wooden ventriloquial figure measuring 53 cm from head to toe, with somewhat ragged clothing and slight damage to several sections.
SCP-174 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-174. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: All objects are kept in a specially built repository underneath Site 19. Objects are kept in precise order and are only to be handled by trained personnel.
SCP-174 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-174は木製の腹話術人形で頭から爪先まで53cm、衣装はいささかボロボロで幾つかやや傷んでいるところがあります。 この物品の様式と修繕状態から判断するに20世紀初期に作られたものです。 SCP-174の目と口は人形内部の機構により操作することができます。 周辺視野で見た被験者は、SCP-174が切なそうな、あるいは悲しそうな表情でこちらを真っ直ぐ見ていると報告することがあります。 被験者が直接SCP-174を見たときにはこの特異な表情は目に入 …
SCP-174 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-174 is a wooden ventriloquist doll that causes the viewer to want to talk to it, eventually treating the doll as if it was their beloved child after some 'conversation'. People who talk to it eventually get paranoid and violent when the doll is separated from them.
SCP-174 - 나무위키
Apr 19, 2024 · scp-174는 목재 복화술 인형으로, 양식과 보수 상태를 보면 20세기 초에 만들어졌다. 사람들이 scp-174를 간접적으로 쳐다보면, 사람들은 가끔씩 scp-174가 슬퍼하거나 갈망하는 듯한 표정으로 보인다고 한다.
SCP-174-KO - 나무위키
Jul 5, 2024 · SCP-174-KO는 광화문 세종대왕 동상 인 SCP이며, 실제 세종대왕 의 영혼이 깃든 동상 이다. 2019년 174-KO-다 사건 이전까지만 해도, SCP-174-KO와 관련된 별다른 변칙적 사건이나 효과는 보이지 않았기 때문에 지속적인 감시 이외의 별다른 조치를 취하지 않았으나, 174-KO-다 사건 이후로 비변칙적 동상으로 대체되었고 현재 인간형 표준 격리 시설에 격리하고 있다.
SCP-174 - NamuWiki
Apr 19, 2024 · SCP-174 is a wooden ventriloquist dummy, which, judging by its style and state of repair, dates from the early 20th century. When people look at SCP-174 indirectly, they sometimes say that SCP-174 appears sad or longing.
Characters in Confinement: Foundation - TV Tropes
Dr. Marlowe and SCP-174 (Ventriloquist's Dummy) Voiced by: Mark English Dr. Marlowe is a marine biologist studying SCP-1836, who is currently possessed by a living puppet known as SCP-174, who acts like he is Marlowe.
SCP-174 - SCP Foundation Database
Description: SCP-174 is a wooden ventriloquial figure measuring 53 cm from head to toe, with somewhat ragged clothing and slight damage to several sections. Judging by the item's style and state of repair, it dates from the early 20th Century.
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