SCP-133 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP …
Description: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP …
SCP-133 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Tests indicate SCP-133 is capable of penetrating 61 cm (24 in) of structural grade titanium, but smooth or highly dense materials reduce its ability to penetrate. When applied to flesh, the …
SCP-133 | Instant Hole (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
May 24, 2021 · SCP-133 are a set of 613 black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will …
SCP-133 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-133 est un lot de six cent treize (613) morceaux noirs circulaires d’un matériau semblable à du papier lustré d’environ cinq (5) centimètres de diamètre. Quand il est frotté …
SCP-133 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: Gli SCP-133 sono un set di 613 istanze circolari di un materiale nero, ceroso e simile alla carta, ognuno di 5 cm di diametro. Posto contro una superficie solida e strofinato …
SCP-133 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-133. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: Keep them in their original crate. Laconic Description: 613 black paper-like circles. If put on a surface and rubbed, …
SCP-133 - NamuWiki
Nov 8, 2023 · SCP-133 consists of 613 pieces made of a black wax-like substance measuring 5 cm in diameter. When these pieces are rubbed against a solid surface, they create holes in …
SCP-133 is 30 grey pretzels. The pretzels are able to melt through material after being left alone for 5 minutes, however the only materials that SCP-133 can't melt through is cardboard, flesh …
SCP-133 - SCP Foundation
Beschreibung: SCP-133 sind ein Satz von sechshundertdreizehn (613) schwarzen, kreisförmigen Stücken eines wachsartigen, papierähnlichen Materials mit einem Durchmesser von 5 cm. …