SCP-133 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will instantaneously "transfer" to the surface and create a circular hole.
Description: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will instantaneously "transfer" to the surface and create a circular hole.
SCP-133 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Tests indicate SCP-133 is capable of penetrating 61 cm (24 in) of structural grade titanium, but smooth or highly dense materials reduce its ability to penetrate. When applied to flesh, the results are devastating.
SCP-133 | Instant Hole (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
May 24, 2021 · SCP-133 are a set of 613 black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will instantaneously "transfer" to the...
SCP-133 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-133 est un lot de six cent treize (613) morceaux noirs circulaires d’un matériau semblable à du papier lustré d’environ cinq (5) centimètres de diamètre. Quand il est frotté contre une surface solide, SCP-133 va instantanément y créer un trou circulaire.
SCP-133 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: Gli SCP-133 sono un set di 613 istanze circolari di un materiale nero, ceroso e simile alla carta, ognuno di 5 cm di diametro. Posto contro una superficie solida e strofinato energicamente contro di essa, SCP-133 si "trasferisce" sulla superficie e crea un buco circolare.
SCP-133 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-133. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: Keep them in their original crate. Laconic Description: 613 black paper-like circles. If put on a surface and rubbed, it will become a hole to the other side. There is also a crate they came in that is immune to this.
SCP-133 - NamuWiki
Nov 8, 2023 · SCP-133 consists of 613 pieces made of a black wax-like substance measuring 5 cm in diameter. When these pieces are rubbed against a solid surface, they create holes in that surface. These holes can penetrate structural steel up to 61 cm thick, but their ability is reduced in smooth, dense materials.
SCP-133 is 30 grey pretzels. The pretzels are able to melt through material after being left alone for 5 minutes, however the only materials that SCP-133 can't melt through is cardboard, flesh and human tissue, fabric and cereal.
SCP-133 - SCP Foundation
Beschreibung: SCP-133 sind ein Satz von sechshundertdreizehn (613) schwarzen, kreisförmigen Stücken eines wachsartigen, papierähnlichen Materials mit einem Durchmesser von 5 cm. Wenn SCP-133 an einer festen Oberfläche platziert wird, wird es sofort an die Oberfläche „übertragen“ und erzeugt ein kreisförmiges Loch. Untersuchungen ...