SCP-086 - SCP Foundation
Sep 30, 2022 · SCP-086-6 contains several organs which appear to combine sensory and manipulatory functions; SCP-086 has proven capable of reading printed material and …
SCP-086 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-086 est un organisme sessile dont les composants ressemblent à des équipements de bureau typique de 1978 et qui possède une conscience qui déclare être …
SCP-086 - SCP財団
scp-086-1は高次構造的および解剖学的な不整にも関わらず脳として機能する大量の神経組織を含み、この脳が scp-086の意識の大半を担います。 scp-086-1は受話器のマウスピースに耳に …
Incident Report 086-0 - SCP Foundation
SCP-086-a passes through all obstacles it encounters and causes vivid hallucinations in any sentient beings it passes through. SCP-086 was discovered in an anonymously delivered, …
SCP-086 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-086-6 ha le funzioni sensoriali e manipolatorie, si è dimostrato in grado di leggere materiale stampato e manipolare oggetti di piccole dimensioni (ad esempio, sfogliare le pagine), quando …
SCP-086 | The Office of Dr. [REDACTED] (SCP Orientation)
Apr 6, 2021 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.On today’s agenda - Item SCP-086: The Office of Dr. [REDACTED], Object class: Safe. SCP-086 is a...
SCP-086 (“The Whispering Tetrahedron”, Non-Viable)
Jan 9, 2008 · SCP-086 marked the first effortful departure from the object of an SCP document being a statue. It is also the first mention of a potential containment breach, as well as the first …
SCP-086 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
SCP-086-6 contains several organs which appear to combine sensory and manipulatory functions; SCP-086 has proven capable of reading printed material and physically …
SCP-086 | SCP: Containment is Magic Wiki | Fandom
SCP-086 is a copy of Scepter of the Dragon Lord. SCP-086 has the same effect of the original but 250x stronger. This scepter has the capability to override Princess [REDACTED]'s scepter and …
SCP-086 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-086 is a three sided pyramid constructed of wood and glass, measuring approximately 80 cm on each side. It was constructed in 1991 for a fifth grade class project on "pyramid power." …