SCP-081 - SCP Foundation
May 3, 2023 · SCP-081 infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-Cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody.
SCP-081 - SCP財団
scp-081は脂肪細胞と白血球に感染し、その両者について極めて加速された率の栄養吸収を誘発します。 栄養の吸収に続き、感染したB細胞が生産され大量の改変された人体抗体が分泌されます。
SCP-081 - Fundacja SCP
Jan 15, 2025 · SCP-081 infekuje adipocyty i leukocyty; sprawia, że oba elementy zaczynają gwałtownie absorbować składniki odżywcze. Wraz z absorpcją zainfekowane limfocyty B wytwarzają i wydzielają znaczne ilości zmodyfikowanych ludzkich przeciwciał.
SCP-081 - SCP Foundation Classic
Item #: SCP-081. Object Class: Euclid (under consideration for Keter class) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-081 is to be contained in a 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm box made of lead at least 6 cm thick. SCP-081's containment chamber is required to …
SCP-081 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-081 infetta adipociti e leucociti, inducendo entrambi ad assorbire con un tasso accelerato i nutrienti. Una volta che i nutrienti vengono assorbiti, le Cellule-B infette producono e secernono quantità vaste di anticorpi umani modificati. Gli adipociti si espandono e proliferano e l'apporto calorico dell'organismo aumenta.
SCP-081-UA - SCP Foundation
Circumstances of discovery: SCP-081-UA was discovered on 31 March 2022, in a dead-end siding of the Primysky terminal of the Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi Railway Station, after the section lost power due to the damaging of a high-voltage transmission line by a fragment of a downed Russian missile.
SCP-081 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: A contagious virus that causes spontaneous human combustion and works through science-related means. After a week, symptoms begin in stages: Stage 3: Excessive eating/weight gain.
SCP-081 - Fondation SCP
SCP-081 infecte les adipocytes et leucocytes, les incitant à absorber les nutriments à un rythme hautement accéléré. Lorsque les nutriments sont absorbés, les cellules B infectées sécrètent des quantités importantes d'anticorps modifiés.
SCP-081 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
SCP-081 infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-Cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody.
SCP-081 - [SCPF] Information Database
Description: SCP-081 is a green, gaseous, air-borne virus. Physical contact with SCP-081 can result in infection and traditional protection measures prove non-viable for preventing SCP-081 exposure. When a subject is infected by SCP-081, they will spontaneously combust.