SCP-2699 - SCP Foundation
Oct 8, 2022 · SCP-2699-4 is an unidentified species of reptile resembling Velociraptor mongoliensis as depicted in the popular movie "Jurassic Park". X-ray analysis shows that the bone structure is also very similar to the fossils of a Velociraptor, but it is much larger, standing at around 3 metres rather than 1 metre.
SCP-4918: "Trench Raptor" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-4918 (Or "Trench Raptor" Named By Class-D) Is A 2.89 Meter High Creature, Reminiscent Of A 'Velociraptor Mongoliensis' From The Cretaceous Period. SCP-4918 Has Large Luminescent, White Eyes.
SCP-6001 - SCP Foundation
Freakish raptor-dogs ran in packs, barking at each other in arbitrary English phrases. A flock of airplane-dwarfing birds soared overhead, though Primrose instructed me to ignore them.
SCP-563 - SCP Foundation
Oct 21, 2022 · Ancient Dragon Velociraptor Noodles: instant noodles made with an assortment of meat from several dinosaurs, as well as pork, rice, and chunks of melon in what is advertised to be a "Velociraptor broth." Testing of broth is inconclusive; product reportedly tastes like high-quality instant noodles, with a high salt content.
Raptor Tec. Industries - SCP International - Wikidot
Through this trade, Raptor Tec. develops strong partnerships but also faces powerful opponent from organisations such as the SCP Foundation. A list of the allies and foes of Raptor Tec. Industries follows.
Portal - Seminole County Public Schools
All students and staff should now use the Portal to access applications. The Portal. To provide users with a better experience, Information Services has created a new way for you to access to the applications you need. Introducing, the Portal. Our goal is …
Groups of Interest in Germanophone Regions - SCP International
Raptor Tec. specializes in weapons, vehicles, drones and artificial intelligence, focussing mainly on drones and AI. Originally, Raptor Tec. Industries was a supplier for the Foundation in Germany.
There's Something Terrible Down Here | SCP5K - YouTube
As the world burns in turmoil from a rogue SCP foundation, select soldiers of the global occult coalition descend into a forsaken containment facility in order to detonate it's internal reactor...
Characters | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
This is an index page for lists of individual characters from the SCP Universe. This includes characters from the SCP Wiki, along with various mulitmedia adaptations.
SCP-XXXX: Progressive Perceptual Caricaturism : r/SCP - Reddit
Jul 11, 2018 · Description: SCP-XXXX is a highly detailed graphite caricature drawn on a cloth canvas measuring 100 cm wide by 65 cm tall. Carbon dating indicates the piece was created circa [REDACTED], placing it amongst one of the earliest caricatures in recorded history.