SCP-040-JP - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-040-JP. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-040-JP is contained within a structure constructed to cover the area of the anomaly. The containment wing is under the jurisdiction of Site-8120. When inside the containment wing, personnel are advised to never look inside SCP-040-JP.
JP-HUB - SCP International - Wikidot
Personnel are reminded that certain files within this hub may be subject to various classifications, and that verified credentials may be necessary to access those files. Are We Cool Yet? SCP-040-JP - There is a cat. What is SCP-105-JP? I've investigated it in my own way! SCP-903-JP - Mr. Kojirō feat. Joyful Dancers.
SCP-040-JP "There was a cat" (SCP Foundation Readings)
This Japanese SCP reading video is about SCP 040 JP "There was a cat". A well located in a village inside a house, when looked inside will turn all the eyes ...
OK now I’m really confused, is scp 040 Jp a cat girl or just ... - Reddit
Jun 8, 2023 · Translated: SCP-040-JP - There is a cat. (+133) by Tanija, smlt. According to the article, it's actually the well in the shed. Looking into said well makes you see a regular cat with a disturbing hairless face, human eyes, and no other features in your periphery. As represented by the amazing MS Paint illustration.
SCP-040-JP (Canon)/Rip Tiberius | Character Stats and Profiles …
Exposed subjects of SCP 040-JP's report that domestic cats appear to be animals with hairless, featureless faces, with two human-like eyes, and that they appear to stare directly at the viewer from any direction. Exposed subject will actively try to convey the idea that "there is …
Can someone explain SCP-040-JP to me? : r/SCP - Reddit
May 17, 2016 · Victims try to convince others this mysterious cat exists, and it can spread via text, images and other media. The final addendum explains how everyone at Site 8120 had to be given amnestics and let go from the Foundation after the containment report caused an outbreak.
SCP-040-JP - Orokin Stats and Profiles Wiki
Classification: Cabin, Imaginary Cat. Powers and Abilities: Anxiety Inducement, Illusion Manipulation. Attack Potency:Supreme Fodder (Cannot physically attack anyone or anything) Speed:Limited omnipresence (Can be anywhere, but only in the minds of people who have visited the cabin) Lifting Strength:Supreme Fodder (Cannot lift anything)
Wiki - scp-040-jp - e621
SCP-040-JP is a paranormal location secured by the fictional SCP Foundation. This particular entry is from the Japanese SCP Foundation wiki, hence the ‘JP’ designation. It is a well surrounded by a wooden hut, in which the paranormal …
SCP-040-JP - Characters — MyFigureCollection.net
Sep 6, 2024 · From then on, whenever they see a domestic cat, it appears to have a hairless, featureless face with two human eyes, as seen in the drawing. They're also convinced a cat is staring at them whenever they're near a dark place.
SCP-040-JP, "There was a cat." - Reddit
Jun 14, 2019 · SCP-444-JP is basically a information hazard organism. Initial activation of SCP-444-JP is triggered when an individual reads out the line: "あかしけ やなげ 緋色の鳥よ くさはみ ねはみ けをのばせ" (Turning Crimson, Night Reaping, O' Scarlet Bird, Grass Consuming, Root Consuming, Spread its Bristles).
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