Foundation Facilities - SCP Foundation
Hall 8 of Site-13, per O5-4's orders, is entirely dedicated to the containment of "Little Misters". Location: Sacramento, California, USA. Site-14 is the primary hub for the SCP Foundation's …
SCP-970 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-970 is a spatial phenomenon wherein a collection of rooms are looped on themselves. In all cases found, this is by means of a series of doors appearing in the walls, all …
Halls of the Dead - SCP Foundation
Oct 14, 2024 · Nascimbeni had gone the whole of his thirty-year career with the SCP Foundation without ever suffering a workplace accident of any kind. He'd seen them happen, of course, …
Foundation Facilities | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The SCP Foundation deals with a wide range of different anomalies; as such, the operation of many different specialized facilities across the world is necessary for containment. These …
International Index of Foundation Facilities - SCP International
The Foundation maintains and operates a large number of Secure Facilities worldwide, from small outposts with only a handful of staff to major Sites with thousands of personnel. Facilities …
All Foundation Facilities - SCP Foundation [O7] - Wikidot
Site-28 is a Foundation Observation Facility, Located with-in a 17 block radius Hempstead's town hall. The Facility is under the Intelligence Agency and "Records And Information Security …
SCP Foundation/Secret facilities
This is a list of the SCP Foundation's secret bases and containment facilities. The Foundation controls hundreds of such classified locations around the world, usually referred to as Sites or …
Facilities Information | SCP Wikia | Fandom
Sectors are sections of Sites or Areas that are designated for specific purposes, such as containment, research, or storage. The exact usage of Sectors vary from facility to facility and …
The Wanderer's Library Hub - SCP Foundation
The Wanderer's Library is the hub of all knowledge throughout every universe and dimension. Its endless halls carry every book that has or ever will be written (and several that won't). …
Through These Halls - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.