SCP's that are AI's. : r/SCP - Reddit
Nov 28, 2018 · Looking for SCP's regarding artificial intelligence. I've read 079 but looking for more. Anything from programming turning aware to copying of human minds.
An SCP article generated entirely by Artificial Intelligence: - Reddit
Jun 9, 2022 · The ultimate joke is a meta one - it's a neural network writing an scp article describing a neural network describing its own scp article. I find that pretty funny - plus some of its commentary, like the random redactions and how it wants its own article to be described I find genuinely amusing. Evidently some others disagree.
Make your own AI-Generated SCP files : r/SCP - Reddit
Jun 18, 2019 · Here's a sample of an SCP file written by the AI: Description: SCP-000 is a two-story concrete building located in downtown , , Arkansas, designated as SCP-000-B in Incident 000-X. SCP-000-B has a maximum height of 17 feet and a width of 3 meters. SCP-000's construction itself is unremarkable.
The SCP Wiki has allowed AI-Generated images! : r/SCP - Reddit
Aug 18, 2022 · The wiki staff have updated the Image Use Policy to allow for AI-generated images (from specific sources) to be used for your articles! Right now only the program Midjourney is permitted for this purpose, and you need the paid version so you can own the images the program generates.
Will SCP-079 become explained eventually? : r/SCP - Reddit
Feb 18, 2024 · So, if AI gets to the point where it's near human, will SCP-079 become explained too? Or is its AI so complex that it's still anomalous to some degree? Also, sorry if this has been discussed before, this is my first post on this subreddit after getting back into SCP by replaying SCP: Containment Breach, so if this is a tired discussion or ...
Interesting robot/AI SCPs? : r/SCP - Reddit
👨💻️ SCP-2306 Revenant AI by Jacob Conwell . SCP-2306-1: White light at end of tunnel. Like after crash.
SCP Intercom text to speech : r/SCP - Reddit
Sep 2, 2023 · Hello, I’m developing a game at the moment and need to create some custom voice lines with the person from SCP: CB. I’ve scoured the web and couldn’t find anything so I’ve come to Reddit, would be very appreciative if someone new something, Thanks!
Serious Question: Has the SCP Wiki (and this sub) banned ‘AI
It’s a shame that AI art gets to be such a problem. Since SCP wiki focuses more on writing than art, AI art in moderation could actually be good. For example, I’d prefer an AI generated imaginary map to the recognizable, real world, map of human emotions in the Eastern Samothrace article.
r/SCP on Reddit: Apparently you can make AI generate SCPs using ...
May 13, 2019 · It feels very much like an SCP imo; the only instance of the article not following the "write professionally" rules is the "even" you mentioned. Pretty solid for a procedural article. It is a bit mess but that's to be expected, but it doesn't miss any details imo, I …
GPT-3 AI Generated SCP : r/SCP - Reddit
Aug 18, 2020 · Below is an AI generated SCP, using play.aidungeon.io's Dragon model (GPT-3, with some constraints). I'm posting this not because it's particularly special, but because it's the first attempt, no editing, no guidance, no cherry-picking. GPT has been trained on most of the internet, which obviously included the SCP wiki.