SCP-896 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · SCP-896’s abnormal behavior only manifests when a user creates an avatar which shares the exact first and last name of the user. Once this occurs, the user is “imprinted” upon the avatar. Once imprinted, any changes to the avatar’s statistics will have a …
D-896-c | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
D-896-c is a Class-D personnel under the jurisdiction of the SCP Foundation. He was assigned to be in a series of tests involving SCP-896 alongside D-896-a, D-896-b, D-896-d and D-896-e. During these test, his intelligence increased exponentially as …
SCP-896 - Fondation SCP
L’accès à SCP-896 fut donc ouvert au public avec des altérations significatives du code source pour supprimer tous les effets anormaux visibles. Le code de l'ancienne version Bêta fut vite patché, et SCP-896 est à ce jour efficacement confiné.
SCP-896 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-896 appears to be defined as "impossible standing in certain dimensions, surrounded by a rainbow of colours." SCP-896 has not been observed to move, change shape, or leave its vicinity at all times.
SCP-096 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2024 · Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each.
Мобильные оперативные группы - SCP Foundation
Jan 8, 2025 · Мобильные оперативные группы (МОГ) - это элитные подразделения, собранные из сотрудников разных учреждений Фонда и мобилизованные для применения в случае конкретных угроз или ситуаций, сложность которых превышает оперативный потенциал или опыт обычных полевых сотрудников.
SCP-896 - Ролевая онлайн-игра
Описание: SCP-896 известна общественности как , это популярная ролевая онлайн-игра. Версия SCP-896, доступная гражданским, не имеет никаких аномальных свойств. Тем не менее, исходный код, созданный , придает игре особенности, которые позволяют идентифицировать как объект SCP.
SCP-896 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Oct 6, 2012 · Description: SCP-896 is a number of small plastic monkeys, each shaped in such a way that the monkey's hands are covering its eyes. On the bottom of each copy is stamped 'The Factory.' Copies of SCP-896 are easily destroyed, whether through brute strength or applied heat.
SCP-896 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-896. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: The anomalous properties of SCP-896 have been neutralized. The original source code of SCP-896 is to be kept at Site-15. Laconic Description: SCP-896 is a popular online roleplaying game.
Respect SCP-896 (SCP Foundation) : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Jun 1, 2022 · SCP-896 comes into effect whenever a player creates an avatar using their first and last name, thereby "imprinting" them onto the avatar. From then on, any changes to the avatar's in-game statistics will affect the real-life corresponding physical …
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