SCP-893 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · Description: SCP-893 is a 39-year-old Hispanic male who calls himself . Subject is a balding, overweight male with green eyes. SCP-893-X was initially discovered by shortly after …
SCP-893 | Asexual (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Dec 28, 2022 · SCP-893 is a 39-year-old Hispanic male who calls himself [REDACTED]. SCP-893-X was initially discovered shortly after having severed from SCP-893's fourth and fifth …
Unclean - Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Unclean are recurring antagonists in the SCP Foundation series. They are large hostile creatures in the mirror world of SCP-093 that were once humans who were mutated as a …
SCP-893 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-893 is a former construction worker whose bodily tissue, when severed, will turn into human-like fetuses that age into human-like entities that have a life cycle 20 times …
SCP-893 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
It manifests in mirrors as a sickly green face of a child of apparent age between 6-9 years old. The entity always appears as a male caucasian with an openly hateful expression. Those …
SCP-893 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-893是一個自稱 的39歲西班牙裔男性。 個體的特徵包括禿頭、過胖以及綠色的眼睛。 SCP-893-X最初由 所發現。 源於SCP-893在建築工地因為工程事故而導致右手的無名指和尾指 …
SCP-893 - Fondation SCP
SCP-893 montre des capacités régénératives très sommaires ; voir le Journal d'Expérience 893-452 pour des informations plus détaillées sur les moignons. Tout appendice ou quantité …
SCP-893 - SCP財団
SCP-893-Xは建築現場での仕事の事故によりSCP-893の右手の薬指と小指が切断された直後に、 によってはじめ発見されました。 SCP-893は指を家へ持ち帰り氷で冷やしたが、“個人的な …
SCP登记购 893 (小竹子原創) 甜品店厕所暗藏摄像头专拍爱吃甜食 …
May 25, 2022 · SCP登记购 893 (小竹子原創) 甜品店厕所暗藏摄像头专拍爱吃甜食的可爱小女生来尿尿 (3) 视频来源网络 SCP登记购 893 (小竹子原創) 甜品店厕所暗藏摄像头专拍爱吃甜食的 …
SCP-893 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-893-1 instances are a highly highly aggressive group of rock, ice, and lacquer (SCP-893-2) humanoid beings. SCP-893-1 instances can retain traits of both their native rock …
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