SCP-890 - SCP Foundation
Oct 13, 2024 · Description: SCP-890 appears to be a male Caucasian between 35 and 45 years of age and approximately 1.75 meters tall. Subject is generally unremarkable, showing typical signs of aging, except for its eyes, which are achromatic, appearing gray.
SCP-890 | The Rocket Surgeon (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Dec 25, 2022 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-890: The Rocket Surgeon, Object class: Euclid. SCP-890...
SCP-890 - The Rocket Surgeon : Object Class - Euclid - YouTube
Mar 30, 2018 · SCP-890 is to be kept in a 5 x 6 meter cell furnished with a bed, a nightstand, two (2) bookcases complete with medical textbooks and a writing desk, all of which were originally...
890 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-890 is a large mass of several hundred male Grey Wolves, Kodiak Bears (Ursus arctos middendorffi), and other subspecies of Ursus living on the land bridge between Alaska and Russia. SCP-890 appear between September 22nd and October 2nd.
SCP-890 - Fondation SCP
SCP-890 fait preuve d'une talent inhabituel pour localiser les objets qui, selon lui, ont besoin de ses services. Avant de réaliser une opération, SCP-890 interviewera l'objet.
SCP-890 - Ракетный хирург
scp-890 обладает необычной способностью определять местонахождение предметов, которые, как он считает, нуждаются в его услугах. Перед началом операции объект говорит с устройством.
SCP-890 - SCP基金会
SCP-890 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom - scp-fanon.fandom.com
SCP-890-1 is a powerful hallucinogenic and addictive substance. The effects of consuming SCP-890-1 includes: weakness, rapid heartbeat, numbness, euphoria, rapid spikes of dopamine and endorphin, dizziness, severe hallucination, insomnia, and insanity.
SCP-890-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-890-JP-A is a human skeletal myoblast with anomalous viability and proliferative potential. SCP-890-JP-A is capable of actively multiplying and differentiating to form skeletal muscle tissue even in uncontrolled temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations as long as there is a minimal amount of culture medium 1 .
SCP-890-JP - SCP基金会
SCP-890-JP-A为具有异常生存能力与繁殖能力的人类肌肉组织成肌细胞。 当仅有一个SCP-890-JP-A存在,并且在最低限度的培养基 1 以及未调整温度、二氧化碳浓度的环境下,其也仍可以活跃地进行增殖、分化并形成肌肉组织。 自SCP-890-JP-A的遗传基因分析,可推论得出SCP-890-JP-A来自血型O型Rh+的亚裔女性。 发现过程: SCP-890-JP于 /11/23在京都市上京区 [已编辑]的巷内,以被保存于泡桐箱内的状态被发现。 发现现场附近有二名被重度刺伤倒下的成年男性,被 …
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