SCP-854 - SCP Foundation
Feb 5, 2022 · Description: SCP-854 is a natural arch formation eroded from sandstone in , and known locally as the “Dream Bridge”. Despite its precarious appearance it is exceptionally stable and can support in excess of 400 kg without difficulty.
SCP-854 | Dream Bridge (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Nov 19, 2022 · SCP-854 is a natural arch formation eroded from sandstone in [REDACTED] and known locally as the “Dream Bridge”. Living animals that cross the arch from East to West vanish at the midpoint of...
SCP-854 is a natural arch formation... - The SCP Foundation
SCP-854 is a natural arch formation eroded from sandstone in , and known locally as the “Dream Bridge”. Despite its precarious appearance it is exceptionally stable and can support in excess of 400 kg without difficulty.
Scp 854 Crossword Clue - Sporcle
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SCP-854 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Oct 5, 2012 · Item #: SCP-854. Object Class: Euclid/Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-854 is stored in a spherical room of 9 meters' diameter at all times. Access to SCP-854 is denied for all but special circumstances, and any potential breach of containment is to be immediately reported, followed by the termination of breachers.
SCP-ZH-854 - 見是「忌日」
篇名:scp-zh-854 - 見是「忌日」 作者: Viken-K ⚠️ 內容警示: 本篇文章含有音訊檔案,請先將音效裝置音量調整至適合大小或靜音,避免造成聽力損傷。
SCP-854 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-854 est une arche de grès érodée de formation naturelle située à à et est connue localement sous le nom de "Pont du Rêve". Malgré son apparence précaire, il est particulièrement stable et peut supporter plus de 400 kg sans difficultés.
SCP-854 - Мост Снов
Описание: SCP-854 является природным образованием в виде арки, сформировавшимся в результате эрозии из песчаника в , и локально известным как "Мост Снов". Несмотря на её хрупкий внешний вид, арка исключительно стабильна и …
SCP-CN-854 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-854-A是一具有一定现实扭曲能力的男性未注册奇术师 3,休谟读数为92/109。 虽然这在低级别现实扭曲者中亦属于不寻常的低水平,但已通过要求其多次展示现实扭曲能力而排除了其他现实扭曲者导致的假阳性可能。 其基因测试结果与现有的各人种基因库均有一定偏离,与其自称是借由POI-1887制造的SCP-CN-854,从另一世界到达基准现实(附录CN-854.1)相符,但仍不排除这是现实扭曲的结果的可能性。 SCP-CN-854-A对到达当前基准现实后的活动时长没有准确的 …
SCP-854 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Item #: SCP-854. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-854 are to be scrapped and/or incinerated, as phased waste incineration has proven ineffective on SCP-854. -O5-
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