scp with port number specified - Stack Overflow
# Use port 80 to bypass the firewall, instead of the scp default The lowercase p switch is used with scp for the preservation of times and modes. Here is an excerpt from scp's man page with all of the details concerning the two switches, as well as an explanation of why uppercase P …
Secure Channel Protocol 80 and 81 description - Stack Overflow
Dec 28, 2020 · '80' – Secure Channel Protocol '80' defined in [TS 102 225] and [TS 102 226] '81' – Secure Channel Protocol '81' defined in [Amd B] based on HTTP and Pre-Shared Key TLS protocols [Amd B] is GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 Amendment B v1.1.3 – RAM over HTTP as defined section 1.3 References of that specification.
amazon web services - 'scp' is not recognized as an internal or ...
Jan 25, 2019 · Scp command used to securely transfer files between two Linux/Unix computers systems. The syntax for the ...
bash - scp stalled while copying large files - Stack Overflow
According to the needs of the experiment, I set the MTU to 8000. After doing this, when I use scp to copy large files, it stalled with 0.00%. I tried scp -l or scp -C and turning tcp_sack on/off, b...
Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance? [closed]
Jul 9, 2012 · The process of using SCP to copy files from a local machine to an AWS EC2 Linux instance is covered step-by-step (including the points mentioned below) in this video. To correct this particular issue with using SCP:
bash - Actual return code for SCP - Stack Overflow
Dec 31, 2014 · To be clear the return code you get from scp relates to its status on the local machine; it doesn't pass through the return code from the remote machine being copied from. So it will have a non-zero exit code if for example, the host doesn't exist, or credentials fail.
scp files from local to remote machine error: no such file or …
The filename should go at the end of the path to the directory. That is, it should be the full path to the file.
unix - SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using
The -i flag specifies the private key (.pem file) to use. If you don't specify that flag (as in your first command) it will use your default ssh key (usually under ~/.ssh/).
bash scp no such file or directory - Stack Overflow
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ssh - getting the hooks via scp in git - Stack Overflow
Jan 8, 2018 · I tried the scp command again and it timed out. I tried ssh to the port 29418 and it timed out. I did a ping XXX.XXX.com and got . Pinging XXX.XXX.com [XX.XXX.XX.XXX] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from XX.XXX.XX.XXX: bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=246 We do not have telnet so I could not try telnetting. Doing an ssh with no port says 22 connection refused.