SCP-747 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · Description: SCP-747 is a phenomenon involving the appearance of children in any manner of animal masks. All instances of SCP-747 have been successfully identified as …
SCP-747 Children and Dolls - YouTube
Feb 18, 2022 · SCP-747 is a phenomenon involving the appearance of children in any manner of animal masks. All instances of SCP 747 have been successfully identified as deceased …
SCP-747-TH - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-747-TH-1 is a two-kilogram standard flight recorder. Attempts to disassemble or remove parts of SCP-747-TH-1 for composition analysis has failed, and as a result, its …
SCP-747 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-747. Object Class: Safe/Keter. Special Containment Procedures: Object is to be kept in a sealed airtight aircraft hanger. The interior should have less then .5 ATM pressure at all …
SCP-747 - SCP基金会
scp-747 能轻易地穿过厚度不超过10cm的障碍物。scp-747的形体并非完全实体;个体能举起、碰触物体,但都只会维系极短的时间。 scp-747有能力将人类在持续约21天的过程里转化为玩偶 …
SCP-747 - Active Duty: Site-47 - Wikidot
SCP-747 is able to move through obstacles no thicker than ten (10) centimeters with ease. SCP-747 is also semi-corporeal; instances are able to lift and touch objects, but only for short …
Experiment log 747-1-5 - SCP International - Wikidot
Note: One day after experimentation, Boeing 747- of the airline had an accident. The plane crashed into a section of the Swedish National park, which resulted in a wildfire.
SCP-747 | Children and Dolls (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Jul 28, 2022 · SCP-747 is a phenomenon involving the appearance of children in any manner of animal masks. All instances of SCP-747 have been successfully identified as deceased …
AndIMustScream / SCP Foundation - TV Tropes
SCP-747 is a group of ghostly children in animal masks that dance around any subject they take interest in, turning that subject into a doll over a period of time. During that period, the subject …
SCP-747 - Дети и куклы
scp-747 полуматериальны и способны поднимать и брать объекты, хотя утомляются через небольшой период времени. scp-747 обладают способностью превращать людей в …