SCP-702 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · Description: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702.
Experiment Log 702 - SCP Foundation
Jan 4, 2025 · Object Traded: exact replica of SCP-702. Object Received: entire replica of SCP-960. Notes: Upon seeing the replica, SCP-702-1 seemed startled and then looked down at SCP-702; upon seeing SCP-702, SCP-702-1 calmed down and was able to make a trade.
SCP-7002 - SCP Foundation
This document describes an ongoing EK-Class "Scorched Earth" Event. Upon accessing the file, Foundation Cognitomole catcher_77 will embed within your subconscious, and may track your biosignature for up to 72 hours. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for …
SCP-702 - SCP財団
SCP-702-1は気体を基調とした知性のある生命体で、周囲の空気の振動を調整することで会話をします。 SCP-702-1は物理的接触の為に近づく者に対して暴力的な反応を示す傾向がある為、試料の採取は不可能です。 出現する際、SCP-702-1はSCP-702と接触している対象者を歓迎し、対象者に対して贈り物を与えるように説得します。 対象者が拒否すると、実体は [データ削除済]、死体の一部から1つの物体を取得します。 幾つかの物体は"既に1つ持っている"としてSCP …
SCP-702 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-702 est un vase rouge ordinaire de conception inconnue. Un contact humain avec le vase provoque l'apparition d'une entité (désignée ci-après SCP-702-1) qui va émerger du vase et débuter un échange avec la personne qui entre en contact avec SCP-702.
SCP-702 | The Trader's Residence (SCP Orientation)
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-702: The Trader's Residence, Object class: Euclid. SCP...
SCP-702 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-702 is a red vase containing a gaseous being that comes out whenever someone touches it. It asks them for a gift, and if they give them one they give an object of equal value to them. If they refuse to give them a gift, SCP-702 kills them.
SCP-702 - La Fundación SCP
Descripción: SCP-702 es un sencillo jarrón rojo de hechura desconocida. El contacto de un ser humano con el jarrón provoca la emergencia de una entidad (en adelante, SCP-702-1) de su interior, que iniciará una conversación con el individuo en contacto con SCP-702.
Experiment Log 702 - scp-os.com
Object Traded: Contents of a 400 mL bottle of Gekkeikan brand sake (Not the bottle itself, as informed to SCP-702-1) Object Received: 3 pounds of prepared crabs, loose. Notes: The bottle stayed behind.
Description: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702.
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