SCP-613 - SCP Foundation
Oct 21, 2022 · Item #: SCP-613. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to monitor all reports of anomalies similar to SCP-613-1 and investigate if necessary. All instances of SCP-613 are to be kept in Safe Item Storage in Research Sector-96.
SCP-6113 - SCP Foundation
Locate and detain transgender individuals affected by SCP-6113 (henceforth referred to as "subject (s)") and hold them for questioning for no more than one week. Update and modify any and all legal records of subjects to reflect their current sex and gender identity.
SCP-613 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Sep 19, 2012 · Description: SCP-613 is an infectious agent transmitted by physical contact. Contaminated organisms gradually lose all color saturation, becoming living "black and white" characters over the course of a few days, at which point they become contagious.
SCP-613 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-613. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-613 are to be kept in a secure locker at Research Sector-96. Laconic Description: SCP-613 is a recipe used to make talking loaves of bread.
SCP-613 Wonder Bread! | Object Class Euclid - YouTube
Nov 12, 2014 · SCP-613 is a piece of brand pad paper showing a handwritten recipe for a normal loaf of wheat bread and the words "WONDER BREAD RECIPE: PLEASE REFER TO THIS PAPER FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS". There...
SCP-613 | Wonder Bread! (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-613: Wonder Bread!, Object class: Euclid. SCP-613 is a...
SCP-ZH-613 - 血天使 - SCP基金會
項目編號:SCP-ZH-613. 項目等級:Keter. 特殊收容措施:SCP-ZH-613當前被收容於Site-ZH- 的大型地下防空設施中。該設施包含了三項人形收容單位與三條長約10公尺的管道,每條管道與收容單位彼此相連,且每5公尺皆以一道20公分厚的不銹鋼板進行阻隔。
613 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
SCP-613 is capable of producing radioactive tea due to its anomalous nature as a nuclear power source. When not in use, SCP-613 does not appear to emit radiation; however, it will begin emitting approximately one gram of radiation for every four cups of tea brewed from it.
SCP-613 - La Fundación SCP
SCP-613 Site lafundacionscp does not allow cross-site includes. autónomo comida consciente euclid inteligente móvil scp. revisión de página: 1, última edición: 09 Sep 2022 12:45. Edita Puntuar (0) Etiquetas Discutir Historial Archivos Imprimir Herramientas del sitio + …
SCP-613 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot
Beschreibung: SCP-613 ist ein Blatt Papier der Marke mit einem handgeschriebenen Rezept für ein normales Weizenbrot und den Worten "WUNDERBROTREZEPT: FÜR OPTIMALE ERGEBNISSE BEACHTEN SIE BITTE DIESES PAPIER". Derzeit befinden sich 10 Exemplare von SCP-613 in der Obhut der Foundation. Alle Instanzen von SCP-613 sind identisch.
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