SCP-553 - SCP Foundation
Aug 23, 2024 · Description: SCP-553 is a colony of approximately 140,000 winged organisms superficially resembling butterflies. They possess a silicon-based biochemistry and are …
SCP-553 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
Description: SCP-553 is a colony of approximately 140,000 winged organisms superficially resembling butterflies. They possess a silicon-based biochemistry and are composed primarily …
SCP-553 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-553 est une colonie d'environ 140 000 organismes ailés ressemblant superficiellement à des papillons. Ils possèdent une biochimie à base de silicium et sont …
SCP-553 - Villains Wiki
SCP-553, also known as the Crystalline Butterflies, are an hostile species in the SCP Foundation series. They are a species of butterflies composed of minerals and can use their wings to cut …
SCP-553 - Fondazione SCP
Le istanze di SCP-553 hanno mostrato un'elevato grado di riconoscimento delle forme e di analisi del bersaglio, concentrando i loro attacchi sulle parti del corpo carnose ed esposte del …
SCP-553 - SCP財団
scp-553は高度な形状認識と目標解析を発揮し、即座にそれらの攻撃を収容職員の剥き出しで柔らかい部分、特に喉と顔に集中させました。 即座に9名が死亡し、平均して1cm以上の傷 …
SCP-553 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-553. Object Class: Safe/Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-553 itself cannot be contained, because it does not exist within the tangible world in any known …
SCP-553 - Official SCP: Unity Wiki
SCP-553 is a safe class SCP in SCP: Unity. It was added in version 0.5.6. SCP-553 is a colony of approximately 140,000 winged organisms superficially resembling butterflies. They possess a …
SCP-553 - Кристаллические бабочки
scp-553 проявили высокую степень распознавания образов и анализа цели, и быстро сосредоточили свои атаки на поражение уязвимых частей тела персонала, в частности, …
SCP-553 - 나무위키
SCP-553은 나비와 비슷하게 생긴 14만 마리의 날개가 달린 유기체의 군체다. 2. 특징 [편집] SCP-553은 최초 발견시 중국의 한 동굴에서 발견되었다. SCP-553 개체들은 모두 이 동굴에 격리하며 …