SCP-385 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-385 is a waist-mounted harness crafted from heavily antiqued leather and brass. A curled electrical cord connects a hand-held push button switch to the mechanism mounted on the front of the harness, which itself contains a superfluous set of interlocking gears and colored LED light bulbs.
SCP-2385 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2385 is a subterranean network composed of undifferentiated human tissue. The matter is bioluminescent, emitting a constant 0.003 lm. The tunnels that make up the structure wind and interlock, forming a multicursal maze. SCP-2385 has a single entrance point.
SCP-385 | Personal Anti-Gravity Field Generator (SCP Orientation)
Oct 15, 2021 · Today we will be studying Item number SCP-385: Personal Anti-Gravity Field Generator, Object class: Safe. SCP-385 is a waist-mounted harness crafted from heavily antiqued leather and brass.
SCP-385 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-385. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-385 should be kept in a fireproof container. Laconic Description: SCP-385 is a harness made by The Factory that completely removes the effects of gravity on the person wearing it.
SCP-385 - SCP基金会
項目編號:SCP-385. 項目等級:Safe. 特殊收容措施:SCP-385被藏於Storage Site-23的一個標準防火容器內。使用SCP-385的實驗需要任何4級研究員的書面批准。在報告385-c提及過的事故發生後,所有的測試必須於北或南緯五度以內的設施內進行。
SCP-385 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-385 est un harnais à porter autour de la taille, fait de cuir vieilli et de laiton. Un bouton pressoir portable est relié au mécanisme monté à l'avant du harnais grâce à un fil électrique à spirales. Le harnais contient lui-même une quantité superflue d'engrenages emboités et d'ampoules à LED colorées.
SCP-385 - Личный Антигравитационный Полевой Генератор
Описание: SCP-385 - поясной ремень безопасности, сделанный из кожи, украшенной тиснением, и латуни. Витой электрический шнур соединяет выключатель, предназначенный для держания в руке, с механизмом, установленным на передней части ремня.
SCP-385 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-385は、非常に古い革と真鍮で作られた腰に取り付けるハーネスです。 渦を巻いた電気コードが、ハーネスの前方に取り付けられた、不必要な連動する歯車とLED電球を含んだ、押しボタンの機構に接続されています。 ハーネスは衝撃から身を守るために重要です。 機構の前方には、“スペシャルエディション! [判読不能]の3”と“ [判読不能] by The Factory”と読める、損傷を受けた彫刻が取り付けられています。 SCP-385は、厚紙でできた保管箱と、取扱説明 …
SCP-385 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-385 è un'imbracatura in ottone e pelle anticata. Un cavo elettrico ritorto connette un telecomando con il meccanismo situato sulla parte anteriore dell'imbracatura, che contiene una serie di ingranaggi interconnessi così come diverse lampadine a LED colorate.
SCP-385 - Fundação SCP
Item nº: SCP-385. Classe do Objeto: Seguro. Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: SCP-385 está sendo mantido dentro de um compartimento à prova de fogo padrão na Área de Armazenamento-23. A experimentação com SCP-385 requer aprovação manuscrita de qualquer Pesquisador de Nível 4.
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