SCP-038 - SCP Foundation
Sep 30, 2022 · SCP-038 has the ability to clone any object that touches its bark. Objects begin growing almost instantaneously and reach maturity within a matter of minutes. A weight limit of 90.9 kg (200 lb) per object has been previously recorded.
Foundation Facilities - SCP Foundation
Site-38. Location: Rural Tennessee, USA. Site-38 is an inanimate object containment site, primarily focused on the study of Group of Interest Alpha-388, the "Alexylva University". The Site's inland location has proven advantageous for the Foundation's Astronomy Department, and the Site has been disguised as a civilian observatory.
SCP-638 - SCP Foundation
SCP-638, led by Chappell, used their anomalous abilities to perpetrate the 1914 heist of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Over the course of nineteen minutes, SCP-638 was able to eliminate security, take hostages, and gain access to the vault, which contained 2,000 short tonnes of gold bullion as part of a classified government handoff.
SCP-388 - SCP Foundation
SCP-388 when thrown by a human appears to travel as a normal frisbee would for a distance of approximately 3 m. After this distance, SCP-388 immediately begins glowing bright white, and accelerates until its velocity reaches approximately m/s.
SCP-008 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
SCP-387 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · A sheet is available for those wishing to utilize SCP-387, and access will be revoked if it is not properly restored. Description: SCP-387 is a tub of commercially available Lego, normal in design. Irregular shapes not featured in normal …
Main - SCP Foundation
Mar 1, 2025 · SCP-8212: Mornings at the Starlight. by habaniah | Selected by Staff. SCP-8212 is a virulent Usinsk-class “Pattern Screamer” ideoform that attained humanoid form in Pierre, South Dakota on May 4, 2015. >>
SCP-6448 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6448 is a firmly cemented figure in Appalachian folklore, known colloquially as the "Not Deer" due to their striking similarity to the species they imitate. Many locals claim to have encountered instances of SCP-6448, or possess knowledge of an individual who has.
SCP-1138 - SCP Foundation
May 4, 2022 · Item #: SCP-1138. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1138 should be stored inside a safe in Dr. 's office in Sector- . Personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher may access the object for research purposes with Dr. 's authorization.
SCP-3812 - SCP Foundation
SCP-3812 will alter reality to remove the containment cell, or move itself to another location, drastically impeding containment efforts. SCP-3812 seems to subconsciously resist attempts at containment, as well.