SCP-361 - SCP Foundation
Oct 21, 2022 · Description: SCP-361 is a bronze Etruscan artifact, in the shape of a sheep's liver. SCP-361 is covered in the names of Etruscan gods and instructions for various religious rites, and is believed to have served as a tool for practicing haruspicy- divination using animal organs.
SCP-361 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
When a sheep liver, removed less than three hours before, is introduced to SCP-361, it will activate. SCP-361 will make the subject go through steps referred to as HarusCo. Steps will become increasingly nonsensical and will become impossible to perform.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. SCP-031 - What is Love? SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs. SCP-161 - Pinwheel of Doom!
SCP-361 | Bronze Liver (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-361 is a bronze Etruscan artifact, in the shape of a sheep's liver. SCP-361's anomalous properties manifest if it comes into contact with a sheep's liver, removed no more than 3 hours...
SCP-361 - Бронзовая печень
Описание: SCP-361 – это бронзовый этрусский артефакт, имеющий форму овечьей печени. Объект покрыт именами этрусских богов и правилами проведения различных религиозных ритуалов. Предполагается, что он использовался гаруспиками как инструмент для гадания по внутренностям животных.
361 - SCP Foundation
When used properly, SCP- 361 is capable of cutting through most ordinary materials with apparent ease, including common vegetables, fruits, meats and cheeses. The outer layer of foods being cut instantly detaches from the rest and appears to dissolve away into air.
SCP-361 - SCP財団
SCP-361は19世紀後半に発見された"ピアチェンツァの肝臓"として知られる、異常性を持たない工芸品との強い類似性を有しています。 どちらの工芸品も紀元前3~2世紀、イタリア・ピアチェンツァ県のものです。 SCP-361と交流する3時間前以降に取り出された羊の肝臓と接触すると、SCP-361の異常な性質が表れます。 そのような接触がなされると、SCP-361は"HarusCo"と称するサービスを通じて、表面に描かれた神々あるいは精霊の一柱との交流を確立することを …
SCP-361-JP | Antagonists Wiki | Fandom
SCP-361-JP, also known as Ignorance is Calm, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid-class SCP in the SCP Foundation's Japanese Branch. SCP-361-JP was discovered when it attacked a small Foundation-owned research vessel that was investigating the Ocean.
SCP-361 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-361是一个被铸成羊肝形状的铜制的伊特鲁里亚工艺品。 SCP-361表面铸有伊特鲁里亚众神的名字及许多宗教仪式的说明,据信它是被用于进行“haruspicy”占卜的器具,这种占卜要使用动物内脏。 SCP-361被发现于十九世纪末,它与名为“皮亚琴察之肝”的无异常工艺品在外观上非常相似。 经鉴定两件工艺品都制成于公元前二到三世纪的意大利皮亚琴察省。 当SCP-361与一块被取下不超过三小时的羊的肝脏接触时,其异常性将显现出来。 当发生这种接触时,SCP …
SCP-361 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
Oct 3, 2024 · SCP-361은 19세기 후반에 발견된 피아첸차의 간 Liver of Piacenza 으로 알려진 비변칙적 공예품과 매우 유사성을 띤다. 두 공예품 모두 기원전 2-3세기경 이탈리아 피아첸차 지방에서 만들어졌다. SCP-361의 변칙적 특성은 SCP-361과 양의 간이 접촉하고, 상호작용하기 전 3시간 이내에 간이 제거되었을 때 발현된다. 접촉이 이뤄지면, SCP-361은 (대상에 간을 접촉시킨 사람과 걸맞는 언어와 말투로) "하루스코 HarusCo "라 불리는 사업체를 통해 대상의 표면에 …
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