SCP-315 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · SCP-315-1 will not react to viewers' actions, nor deviate at all from the previous viewing. A disc, once played, always contains the same footage, regardless of who is watching it. The only way to communicate with SCP-315-1 is to insert a disc that has never been watched.
SCP-315 - Fondation SCP
SCP-315-1 a fait une référence à la possibilité que les disques aient pu être pré-enregistrés. Pour tenter de réfuter cette hypothèse, la lecture d'un disque "hors séquence" a été lancée, i.e., d'un disque du milieu de la pile plutôt que suivant l'ordre du haut en bas utilisé jusqu'ici.
Document 315-a - SCP Foundation
Aug 2, 2024 · SCP-315-1: I wonder what would happen if you were to throw one of the discs away. Dr. : (laughs) You wonder. I'll bet you know exactly what happens.
SCP-315 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: SCP-315 is a network of underground tunnels, ranging from 3-10m wide and 2-18m tall, carved into bedrock. Studies of shaft walls show no identifying tool marks or patterns of erosion.
SCP-315 - SCP基金会
由于光盘的总数是95张,每张包含了长达3小时的视频,可以推算出SCP-315-1总共拥有285小时,也就是11.8天的有效“生命”,不包括已经被重复播放的那些时间。 值得注意的是SCP-315并非完整的一套光盘。 还有五张光盘被确认存在。 也可以确认这些缺失的光盘均已经被观看过。 SCP-315-1本人深知自己的特殊存在形式。 当被问起相关问题时,他表示很清楚自己是被电视机或显示器播放出来的,并且能够准确地说出播放自己的显示设备的型号,尺寸和颜色。 然而,如果 …
SCP-315-DE - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-315-DE designates a global phenomenon, during which an affected Foundation employee abruptly begins to talk about their own greatest worries, fears, and/or problems. The duration of such an event varies between subjects and is …
SCP-315 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-315. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-315 is to be stored far away from heat sources to prevent natural decay. Laconic Description: 95 DVD-format disc with fully written data. When played, video of a caucasian man in a living room …
SCP-315 | The Recorded Man (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Sep 10, 2021 · SCP-315 is a 95 DVD-format disc with fully written data. When played, video of a caucasian man (SCP-315-1) in a living room is shown, with the man able to talk with the viewer. SCP-315-1 is...
SCP 315 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
SCP 315. Topics special chronicles Item Size 55.6M . Show Notes and Audio Podcast of The Special Chronicles Show, Episode SCP315 are available on specialchronicles.com Addeddate 2018-11-01 16:00:15 External_metadata_update 2019-03-23T08:29:41Z Identifier SCP315 ...
315 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-315 is a large, humanoid figure covered in black armor and wielding an enormous bludgeoning weapon. Despite the fact that there is no visible body beneath the armor, atmospheric analysis has shown the presence of oxygen.
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