SCP-313 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-313. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-313 is to be kept unmounted and disconnected when not being tested. Access is strictly prohibited except with …
Both the civilian casualties and property damage attributable to SCP-313 are staggering. It has caused a number of fires and other disasters over the years, generally in a predictable pattern …
SCP-313 | Powerful Hand Dryer (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Sep 9, 2021 · SCP-313 is identical in appearance and marking to a World Dryer Corp Model A electric hand dryer. Despite this veneer of normalcy, SCP-313 has two significantly anomalous …
SCP-313 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-313. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-313 must always be kept off. Laconic Description: SCP-313 is a hand dryer that produces a stream of hot plasma …
SCP-3143 - Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
SCP-3143 is described as a intrafictional construct. When active, this construct exhibits the ability to temporarily 'flatten' portions of reality into a script-like narrative. This narrative is derivative …
SCP-313 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
Feb 22, 2025 · 설명: SCP-313은 월드 드라이어 사 모델 A 전기 핸드 드라이어와 외형과 표시가 동일하다. 이 개체의 크기는 25 cm × 24 cm × 21 cm이다. 덮개는 새하얀 강으로 칠해져 있고, …
SCP-313 is a phenomenon which behaves very similarly to a parasite with no symbiotic benefit but has no negative effects on the host – known as SCP-313-1 – rather only affects the …
313 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-313 is a metal box of unknown size, with a lid of the same material. The object's surface is covered in writing in Latin, with no visible symbols or language. Despite this, the …
SCP-313 - Очень мощная сушилка для рук
SCP-313 способен причинить невероятный ущерб как живой силе, так и имуществу. За несколько лет он послужил причиной множества возгораний, весь процесс которых …
SCP-313 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-313 est identique, en apparence et en détails, à un sèche main électrique de modèle A de la marque "World Dryer Corp". L'objet mesure 25 cm x 24 cm x 21 cm. Son …
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