SCP-313 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-313. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-313 is to be kept unmounted and disconnected when not being tested. Access is strictly prohibited except with special permission from a level 4 official.
Both the civilian casualties and property damage attributable to SCP-313 are staggering. It has caused a number of fires and other disasters over the years, generally in a predictable pattern of being sold and installed, blasting halfway across the country, and being found and resold.
SCP-313 | Powerful Hand Dryer (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Sep 9, 2021 · SCP-313 is identical in appearance and marking to a World Dryer Corp Model A electric hand dryer. Despite this veneer of normalcy, SCP-313 has two significantly anomalous qualities – first and...
SCP-313 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-313. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-313 must always be kept off. Laconic Description: SCP-313 is a hand dryer that produces a stream of hot plasma when activated.
SCP-3143 - Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
SCP-3143 is described as a intrafictional construct. When active, this construct exhibits the ability to temporarily 'flatten' portions of reality into a script-like narrative. This narrative is derivative of the genre established by North American writers of hard-boiled and noir fiction. During...
SCP-313 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
Feb 22, 2025 · 설명: SCP-313은 월드 드라이어 사 모델 A 전기 핸드 드라이어와 외형과 표시가 동일하다. 이 개체의 크기는 25 cm × 24 cm × 21 cm이다. 덮개는 새하얀 강으로 칠해져 있고, 노즐과 버튼은 윤기 있는 스테인리스강으로 되어있다. 내부 일은 모델 A의 사양과 일치한다. 그렇지만, 베니어가 정상임에도 SCP-313은 상당히 변칙적인 특징을 두 개 가지고 있다. 가장 중요한 첫 번째는, 우리가 낼 수 있는 모든 힘에 대해 전혀 영향을 받지 않고 파괴할 수 없다는 점이다. 두 번째로, …
SCP-313 is a phenomenon which behaves very similarly to a parasite with no symbiotic benefit but has no negative effects on the host – known as SCP-313-1 – rather only affects the subject while they are in the process of day dreaming.
313 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-313 is a metal box of unknown size, with a lid of the same material. The object's surface is covered in writing in Latin, with no visible symbols or language. Despite this, the writing is intelligible to trained linguists and scholars. When opened, SCP-313 emits a bright beam that extends along its length.
SCP-313 - Очень мощная сушилка для рук
SCP-313 способен причинить невероятный ущерб как живой силе, так и имуществу. За несколько лет он послужил причиной множества возгораний, весь процесс которых происходил по следующей схеме: сушилку покупали и устанавливали, она срабатывала и пересекала полстраны, после чего её находили и снова продавали.
SCP-313 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-313 est identique, en apparence et en détails, à un sèche main électrique de modèle A de la marque "World Dryer Corp". L'objet mesure 25 cm x 24 cm x 21 cm. Son revêtement est peint de couleur blanc acier, et il possède un …
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