SCP-026 - SCP Foundation
Apr 15, 2024 · Item #: SCP-026. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies. Description: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in . It has two ...
Secure Facility Dossier: Ex. Site-26 - SCP Foundation
Nov 3, 2019 · Ex. Site-26 is the first Foundation secure facility to be built outside of Earth's solar system. It is also the largest facility as the entire planet's surface is at the Foundation's disposal. Originally conceived by Dir. Aphroditus Asteria on 28/10/2019, Ex. Site-26 was founded just six days later on 03/11/2019.
SCP-026 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-026 ("Afterschool Retention") is an abandoned three-story public school building that contains unconscious humans and forces those entering 026 to perceive the anomaly as also having anomalous spatial qualities. [1] . Entry Page: …
SCP 026 | SCP Foundation/Containment breach Wiki | Fandom
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies.
SCP-026 - Fondation SCP
Pour cette raison, SCP-026 ne requiert par l'expertise de la Force d'Intervention Mobile Rhô-8 "Pique-niqueurs en Bord de Route" à l'heure actuelle. MISE À JOUR : Une exploration plus approfondie a démontré que des phénomènes spatiaux ont bel et bien lieu.
SCP Foundation - Wikipedia
The SCP Foundation [note 3] is a fictional organization featured in stories created by contributors on the SCP Wiki, a wiki-based collaborative writing project. Within the project's shared fictional universe, the SCP Foundation is a secret organization that is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and …
Reliquary Site-26 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Reliquary Site-26 is an SCP Foundation facility centered around the corpse of SCP-2095 on the Greek island of Gyaros in the Aegean Sea. Constructed by 9 December 1949, Reliquary Site-26 is intended to both hide SCP-2095's massive body and to …
26letterpublishing is a passionate indie team seeking to bring the expansive universe of SCP to the weekend game table. Make sure to check out the SCP wiki as inspiration for your first campaign!
SCP-026 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-026. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to be boarded up. Alarms are also in place to prevent trespassers. Laconic Description: SCP-026 is an abandoned school with three floors. The school most likely had spatial anomalies, but it changed from people's perceptions.
SCP-026 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-026. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies. Description: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in . It has two ...
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