SCP-228 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-228 is a Polaroid photograph of variable appearance. It is apparent at this time that SCP-228 derives its subject matter from the subconscious mind of the viewer. The images produced are always visually clear, but vary in interpretive coherency.
SCP-228 | Psychiatric Diagnostic Tool (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SSCP-228 is a Polaroid photograph of variable appearance that SCP-228 derives its subject matter from the subconscious mind of the viewer. After SCP-228 has manifested an image, it will remain...
SCP-228 - Инструмент психиатрической диагностики
Описание: SCP-228 - фотокарточка Polaroid с меняющимся изображением. На данный момент считается, что SCP-228 берёт тему для изображения из подсознания наблюдателя.
SCP-228 - Whoever
Local authorities described a woman of impossible strength who was seemingly immune to conventional firearms and melee weaponry, who had been rampaging through the town killing every human in its sight. Agents and devised the inverse …
SCP-228 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-228. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-228 is being used to conduct experimental psychiatric testing at Site-23. Access to SCP-228 will require either level four authorization or a signed notification from Medical Director Light.
SCP-228 | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-228 is a Polaroid photograph of variable appearance. It is apparent at this time that SCP-228 derives its subject matter from the subconscious mind of the viewer. The images produced are always visually clear, but vary in interpretive coherency.
SCP-228 - SCP基金会
当一个实验对象进入观察间并开始观察SCP-228时,必须至少有包括实验对象精神医师在内的五名人员一同在单面镜后观察并共同记录对象的行动已经状态。 描述: SCP-228是一张会表现出多种图像的宝丽莱照片。 它所展示图像的主题每次都来源于观看者的潜意识。 照片上的图像清晰可辨,但是不同的图像之间缺乏关联性。 比如说,一个实验对象可能使SCP-228显示出他父亲的肖像,而另一个实验对象则会使其显示出一个浸没在绿色液体中的心形物体正在 [已编辑]。 SCP …
SCP-228 - NamuWiki
Sep 5, 2024 · SCP-228 is to be used for psychiatric testing at Site-23. SCP-228 is contained within Observation Room 113-AD-C at Site-23, with a glass wall surrounding the object. Entry to Observation Room 113-AD-C requires Level 4 security clearance, but may be waived with approval from the Medical Director.
The SCP Foundation: SCP-228 - Archive.org
Item #: SCP-228. Object Class: Euclid Keter Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-228 is to be kept in Weapons Holding at Site- , under the direction of Drs. Rights and Bright. All continued research into the reverse-engineering of SCP-228 (aka Project Gevurah) is to be carried out by the team assigned to Drs. Rights and Bright.
SCP-228 - 나무위키
Sep 5, 2024 · SCP-228은 23 번 기지의 113-AD-C 번 관찰실 안에 격리되어 있으며, 대상 주위에는 유리벽이 설치되어 있다. 113-AD-C 번 관찰실에 입장하기 위해서는 4 단계 보안 승인이 필요하나, 의료 관련 책임자의 승인으로 이를 대신할 수 있다. 113-AD-C 번 관찰실은 최소 4 개의 고선명도 카메라를 통해 감시가 행해지고 있으며, 관찰실 동쪽 벽에는 벽 전체를 걸쳐 강한 내구도의 관찰용 거울이 설치되어 있다. 어떠한 요원이 SCP-228을 볼 경우, 관찰용 거울 너머에 있는 최소 5 명의 …
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