SCP-107 - SCP Foundation
Sep 14, 2022 · Description: SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is composed of a hardened biological material of unknown origin. Despite its appearance, whether this material is derived from the shell of a standard sea turtle (superfamily Chelonioidea) is, …
SCP-107 - Fundacja SCP
Sep 16, 2022 · Opis: SCP-107 wygląda jak górna część pustej, żółwiej skorupy. Skorupa składa się z utwardzonego materiału biologicznego nieznanego pochodzenia. Pomimo swojego wyglądu, kwestia, czy materiał ten pochodzi ze skorupy zwyczajnego morskiego żółwia (nadrodzina Chelonioidea) pozostaje nierozwiązana.
SCP-107 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-107 ressemble à la partie supérieure d'une carapace de tortue vide. La carapace est composée d'un matériau biologique durci d'origine inconnue. Malgré cette apparence, on ignore si ce matériau est dérivé d'un carapace de tortue de mer standard (superfamille des Chelonioidea).
SCP-107 | The Turtle Shell (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Apr 28, 2021 · SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is composed of a hardened biological material of unknown origin. The item is completely inert until the inside of...
SCP-107 - NamuWiki
Sep 2, 2023 · SCP-107 is an object resembling a tortoise shell, composed of an unknown hardened biological material. When this object comes into contact with liquid, it absorbs the liquid, and the edge of the shell glows, causing the liquid to rain down.
SCP-107 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot
SCP-107. Klassifizierung: Sicher. Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: SCP-107 stellt keine unmittelbare Gefahr dar, so lange es nicht in Kontakt mit Flüssigkeiten kommt. Es ist im Areal-19 in einer 5 m² Eindämmungszelle auf einem 1 m hohen Sockel unter einem …
SCP-107 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
In all public records, SCP-107 has been declared dead via laboratory misadventure. He admits that he is probably already clinically dead, but he refuses to give up without finding a cure for his condition - both the freezing and the cancer.
SCP-107 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Description: SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is composed of a hardened biological material of unknown origin. Despite its appearance, whether this material is derived from the shell of a standard sea turtle (superfamily Chelonioidea) is, as yet, unknown.
SCP-107 - The Turtle Shell - The SCP Foundation Database
May 25, 2023 · Description: SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is composed of a hardened biological material of unknown origin. Despite its appearance, whether this material is derived from the shell of a standard sea turtle (superfamily Chelonioidea) is, …
SCP-107 Explained | The Turtle Shell | Special Containment
SCP-107 Explained | The Turtle Shell | Special Containment Procedures.Description: SCP-107 resembles the top section of a hollow turtle shell. The shell is c...