Commander Guide - Abathur - Starcraft 2 Co-op
Abathur's units gain increased life, attack speed, and energy regeneration by collecting Biomass from fallen enemies. Roaches do not cost vespene gas. Larvae spawn at an increased rate. Ultimate Evolution: Unlocks the ability for ground units with …
Abathur - StarCraft Wiki
Jul 11, 2014 · Abathur is a unique zerg creature, created from numerous zerg species. He is the zerg evolution master, serving as the Swarm's DNA library, and resides in the evolution pit. Abathur was created by...
Abathur (Co-op Missions) - StarCraft Wiki
Abathur is a playable commander in the Co-op Missions mode. As the evolution master of the zerg, Abathur has been constantly spinning new essences to chase an ever-changing vision of perfection.
Co-op Commander Guide: Abathur - TLnet
Nov 27, 2017 · Abathur is a commander who specializes in upgrading and evolving Zerg strains. By harvesting the Biomass of his fallen enemies, he seeks to create a highly efficient Zerg army spearheaded by his fearsome Ultimate Evolutions.
Abathur - SC2 Co-op Wiki
Abathur is a commander playable in Starcraft II's Co-op gamemode. He was released in Patch 3.3.0 and is the 8th commander released in the gamemode. His gameplay style revolves around him powering his Zerg units using Biomass, which is produced from enemies who die during the game; said Biomass...
What's your strategy with Abathur? : r/starcraft2coop - Reddit
Jun 3, 2020 · With abathur your highest priority is gathering biomass using the toxic nests. The first thing to do is get a roach warren and start farming biomass at a smaller enemy base by baiting them into toxic nests with an uprooted spore crawler and using mend to keep it alive.
Which Abathur’s prestige is the strongest? : r/starcraft2coop
Nov 25, 2021 · P2 Abathur is heavily biased towards Swarm Hosts, they become obscenely strong with this prestige and are capable of holding the line against the strongest of waves. Just pray for your computer though.
P3 Abathur(The limitless) guide : r/starcraft2coop - Reddit
Nov 7, 2023 · I am not going to cover the abathur basics, considering p3 requires 3 level ups to unlock. For masteries, I prefer 25 on nest damage, 5 on mend, 30 on biomass chance and 30 on morph&evo rate. the 3rd mastery tier is subjective in my opinion, but I find faster morphs very useful early game.
Abathur - P1 - Essense Hoarder - Co-op Missions Discussion
Aug 19, 2020 · Abathurs already gets 50% drop chance at level 7… after that, as long as you pick up all biomass, it will inevitably accumulate, leading to 125 biomass on every single unit.
Abathur P3 Limitless - Co-op Missions Discussion - SC2 Forums
Aug 10, 2020 · Abathur had the only weak place - early game, before you get 6 UEs and this prestige hits him right in the nuts while buffing lategame where Abathurs was one of, if not the strongest. Some of ways of making Limitless viable I can think of: Reduce requirement for UE from 200 to 150. Biomass effectiveness for regular units adjust accordingly.