TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE for variables longer than 132 char? - SAP …
Feb 10, 2017 · The problem is that when I use TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE, the content of my variable is longer than 132 char (used in tables parameter 'LINES'), so the output results in my variable being truncated.
Assign one field symbol to another - SAP Community
Hi all, At one point in my program i want to assign value of one field symbol to other <f1> is type p length 9 and decimals 2 <f2> is type p length 9 if i write <f1> = <f2> now
field symbol issue - SAP Community
working for SAP upgrade project I am facing the following issue. its showing dump Field symbol has not yet been assigned. GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED can anyone help me on this
Field Symbols - SAP Community
Hi All, I am using field symbols, in the following way: Loop at ITAB into WA. ASSIGN COMPONENT FIELD1 OF STRUCTURE <WA> TO <FIELD-SYMBOL>. ENDLOOP. What I see during runtime is that after
Dump field symbol not assigned 6.0 - SAP Community
The field symbol is no longer assigned because there was an attempt makde previously in a Unicode program to set the field symbol using ASSIGN with offset and/or length specification. Here, the memory addressed by the offset/length specification was not within the allowed area.
Clear/Open Item Symbol Green Check Mark | SAP Community
SAP Gurus, I am running report FBL3N, for a clearing account, under clear/open item symbols instead of seeing a red dot or green dot, i see a check a mark. Does anyone knows what this green check mark
how to build a internal table of field symbols. | SAP Community
Oct 20, 2011 · I want to build a internal table, which consists of several field symbols. Each field symbol points to an entry of other internal tables. All of these tables have different structure definition. How can I implement it. If it is possible, it can save a lot of table query time.
How to fill Dynamic work area or field symbol? | SAP Community
HI All, I have created dynamic work area (field symbol) by using following code. Now I want to fill the work area with values which are there in other internal table. <!
alv problem - giving short dump like field symbol not ... - SAP …
when i am executing this report it is giving dum,p like field symbol has not yet been assigned.when i used grid display it is giving output.anybody can tell where i made a mistake.
As, after assignment the field symbol contains the select-option table without headerline, the clear statement as no effect. Can anyone help me clearing it's header?