PS module data selection question. | SAP Community
We are developing a custom interface in SAP R4.5 version to pull the project information from SAP. We need Cost elements (WBS element), Actual hours, Plan hours, Actual amount and Plan amount to be pulled from SAP system with Project or WBS element as input. Our functional consultant had shown us the detail data in GR55 (report writer),
insert into sap r/3 table - SAP Community
Feb 20, 2007 · Attention SAP Partners During the SAP Community migration (which will be READ-ONLY from January 16 â January 23), Partners will have access to the partner page from here. Link to the Partner page here.
S/4HANA Public Cloud and Performance Degradation #COE …
Dear all, We're experiencing a performance degradation on S/4HANA Public Cloud 3SL (Productive tenant).. Having C-ALM for Operation enabled, we can see in the Health Monitoring app, the WP (DIA and BTC) consumption rate, and observe peaks to 100%.
Does BI 4.2 SP2 require MS Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable - SAP …
Apr 10, 2017 · I am being asked to remove MS Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable from my servers that have BI 4.2 SP2 installed on them.
Vendor Evaluation - Quality Criteria - SAP Community
Jun 8, 2010 · Hello Experts, After configuring vendor evaluation for QUALITY criteria, whether system will calculate scores for subcriteria like GR lots, Audit.
Problem with UWL WebFlowConnector | SAP Community
Jun 26, 2009 · A New Home in New Year for SAP Community: Exciting times ahead for the SAP Community!
ABAP Web Service with XI and SOAP - SAP Community
Jun 25, 2008 · SAP ERP HCM. SAP XI (Netweaver 2004s) Our customers shall call a Web Service on the HCM system over the XI system transmitting 2 parameters (IDs) and get back a xml document with a list of hr related information. This is how we started (or want to go on) with the outside-in method: 1. set up data types and message interface in XI integration ...
<sid>adm in DEV system has deferant id in QAS | SAP Community
Mar 27, 2008 · Dear Experts, I have these systems DEV/QAS and PRD , ECC6 on AIX/oracle i have exported the /usr/sap/trans from the DEV system as NFS file system ,and i mounted it into the QAS. and these are the user
Unable to make the SAP GUI ocx interface work in 640, it worked ...
Mar 25, 2008 · I maintain a Powerbuilder application that communicates with SAP using wdtfuncs.ocx to call an ABAP procedure using the following code. This code worked correctly, but with the advent of SAPgui 640 it
What will be benefit of surrogate key in data warehouse layer?
Hello Experts, OLTP source tables are having surrogate keys (numeric values) and natural keys (alphanumeric values), then can I skip creating surrogate keys in target OLAP DB (Dimensional Model) for d