Eggja stone - Wikipedia
The Eggja stone (also known as the Eggum or Eggjum stone), listed as N KJ101 in the Rundata catalog, is a grave stone with a runic inscription that was ploughed up in 1917 on the farm …
The Eggja runic stone | Kringom
The Eggja stone is one of the best known runic stones ever found in Norway. It contains the longest known inscription of the old futhark (early runic) alphabet, and it is still a riddle to …
Eggja Runestone Carving : The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map:
Sep 4, 2017 · The Eggja stone is one of the most well known runestones from Scandinavia and Norway and it has the longest runic inscription with the older futhark with around 200 runes! It …
Eggja rune stone Norway - Lost Links Of Buddhism
The most important detail on the Eggja stone is that of the rune line in the middle that is mirrored and upside-down to represent the “hanging man”, the meditator, who investigates past lives to …
THE STONE - Universitetet i Bergen
THE STONE. The Eggja stone is exhibited on the ground floor of the "Historisk museum" at University Museum, Cultural History, near the exit of the Viking Age exhibition. Today, it is …
DruidWisdom.org - Eggja Stone (650 CE)
Picture of the full Eggja runestone. The rune slab itself is approximately 1.6 meters long, 0.7 meters wide and 0.1 meters thick. From Norderg (2016). Nordberg, Andreas (2016 in …
Eggja stone (Николай Бузунов) / Проза.ру
Sep 4, 2015 · From the article, it follows that a farmer found a stone in 1917 by Niels. From another note: The Eggja stone itself is 1.6 metres long and 0.71 metres wide. It contains runes …
Eggja Runes – @thorraborinn on Tumblr
The Eggja Stone, found in Sogndal, Norway by farmer Nils Eggum, is an extremely late Elder Futhark inscription. Though the runes are clearly of the Elder variety, the language is much …
Eggjum Stone | Viking Age, Runic Inscription, Norway | Britannica
Eggjum Stone, inscribed stone that bears 200 runic characters. It is the longest known text in the old-style futhark (runic alphabet) and was discovered inside a tomb in western Norway in …
Eggja stone - Wikiwand
The Eggja stone (also known as the Eggum or Eggjum stone), listed as N KJ101 in the Rundata catalog, is a grave stone with a runic inscription that was ploughed up in 1917 on the farm …