Ruling Pen Help - The Picture Framers Grumble
Aug 13, 2017 · And while my vintage ruling pen is not that old as 1780, it is more than 50 years old. I will use the same basic technique, using materials that were available back then [being ink, gauche or watercolor]. To me, using acrylic in an antique or vintage ruling pen is like buying a $100.00 bottle of tequila, and then using grocery store bought sour ...
Ruling Pen | The Picture Framers Grumble
Jul 19, 2007 · Ok, I wanted a "decent" ruling pen. Maria Nucci is going to do a workshop on French Matting in October for the NEPPFA chapter. I thought I'd practice a little. I tried to buy from United, then M&M. Apparently, they have either discontinued them, or …
French matting/ruling pen help needed - The Picture Framers …
Feb 21, 2008 · With all the latest threads on French matting, it got me inspired to dig out the ruling pen (an Alvin #996) that I bought last fall and try it out. I practiced for a few hours yesterday and started again this morning, mostly just drawing lines for now. I'm running into a …
Ruling Pen Recommendations? - The Picture Framers Grumble
Feb 13, 2009 · lots of ruling pens on ebay I have a "contemporary" ruling pen I bought a few years ago for about $7. I always thought it was kind of flimsy. I just picked up two over the last couple of weeks. A K&E and a Dietzgen for about $25 total, including shipping. The difference is …
Inks for ruling pen | The Picture Framers Grumble
Dec 2, 2003 · For colored pen lines, thinned acrylic artists paint works well. "You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are" John Cleese "A lifetime of learning specialized skill sets unlikely to be of any future use" me.
Looking for a (good) ruling pen? (vendor) | The Picture Framers …
Oct 1, 2002 · I tried United but alas, Dahle got bought and United is out of the pen I wanted and has no idea when the new vendor will ship them more, can't wait.
Old Ruling Pens | The Picture Framers Grumble
Jan 15, 2007 · We had a lovely temperate Sunday here in the Northeast so I hit the flea market! It was such a delight to my senses to see all of these potentially...
hens teeth | The Picture Framers Grumble
May 18, 2002 · I've started what has turned into a quest for a descent ruling pen. I have one that is acceptable for my use, but my wife suffers from being righthanded, and I'd truly like to buy a pen for her. Two names I have been looking for are Reflor and E Cobra. I'm not sure of the spelling, But the...
French matting corner marking rule - The Picture Framers Grumble
May 31, 2004 · Another trick to making your waterbased inks or pigments is to use "ox gall" as a medium to increase the viscosity of your inks or watercolors. Ox gall makes water "wetter" and will make the pigments or dyes flow off your ruling pen much smoother and with less skipping problems. It is available in fine artist material stores.
Valiani Mat Pro cmc - new pen set up | The Picture Framers Grumble
Nov 19, 2009 · The obvious limitation is that a fixed-reservoir pen must be used; not an open-reservoir tool such as a ruling pen. Personally, I prefer to use pigmented pens up to about .05 mm size; the finer the pen, the better the results, so I prefer to use multiple lines, a few thousandths of an inch apart, instead of a broader pen.