Ruedi Bear remembered as entrepreneur, champion skier
Apr 21, 2017 · A former owner of Trimble Hot Springs, Ruedi Bear, was remembered Friday as an entrepreneur who loved jazz and skiing. Bear, 72, died in a one-vehicle crash Thursday evening south of Mancos,...
Ruedi Bear: Like his developments, this proud American …
May 4, 2017 · He was best known for bringing Trimble Hot Springs back to life after a 30-year closure. Ruedi’s life was taken too soon and he will be missed by many.
Crash near Mancos kills former owner of Trimble Hot Springs
Apr 21, 2017 · The former owner of Trimble Hot Springs was killed in a one-vehicle accident south of Mancos on Thursday evening. The body of Ruedi Bear, 72, was discovered Friday morning in a field off Road J, according to Sgt. James Saunders, of the Colorado State Patrol.
Trimble owner looks to city, county - Durango Telegraph
Jan 26, 2006 · After nearly a quarter of a century in the hot springs business, Ruedi Bear is calling it quits. The owner of the legendary Trimble Hot Springs – arguably a legend in his own right – officially put the business and the 8 acres of land it sits on, as well as an adjacent parcel of 1.6 acres, on the market in late December.
Durango History - Durango Hot Springs
Nearly 30 years later, the resort was finally purchased by Ruedi Bear, his wife Leith, and his mother, a Swiss businesswoman by the name of Martha Bar-Waldemeire. Rumors that Native tribes cursed the place caused Ruedi to invite elders from the Southern Ute Tribe to the opening ceremonies for the new Trimble Hot Springs.
Ruedi Bear, of Mancos, was thrown... - The Durango Herald
Ruedi Bear, of Mancos, was thrown from his 2007 Audi, which left the roadway sometime Friday evening, crashed through brush, struck a large rock and rolled.
Swiss men get cold beer and hot springs to flow
Apr 6, 2014 · His countryman Ruedi Bear decided to rejuvenate the Trimble Hot Springs in Durango, Colorado, in the late 1980s. He got it for a deal, but he still needed a lot of cash to develop the...
CelebratePurg | Just a memory, in late 70's Ruedi Bear conducted …
Just a memory, in late 70's Ruedi Bear conducted his International training camos at Purg the last two weeks in may. With about 20 racers we we would...
Ruedi Bear Books | List of books by author Ruedi Bear - ThriftBooks
Looking for a book by Ruedi Bear? Ruedi Bear wrote Pianta su: Ski like the best, which can be purchased at a lower price at ThriftBooks.com.
Pianta su: Ski like the best: Bear, Ruedi: 9780316085502: …
Jan 1, 1976 · Pianta su: Ski like the best [Bear, Ruedi] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.