Change how rows and columns of data are plotted in a chart
After you switch rows to columns in the chart, the columns of data are plotted on the vertical axis, and the rows of data are plotted on the horizontal axis. However, you can quickly change the …
Create a chart from start to finish - Microsoft Support
Learn how to create a chart in Excel and add a trendline. Visualize your data with a column, bar, pie, line, or scatter chart (or graph) in Office.
Add a data series to your chart - Microsoft Support
After creating a chart, you might need to add an additional data series to the chart. A data series is a row or column of numbers that are entered in a worksheet and plotted in your chart, such …
Video: Customize a line chart - Microsoft Support
We have added our data to the line chart. Now, let’s customize the chart, so it has the details and style we want. Change the color of a chart. When you insert a chart, small buttons appear next …
Format the bar chart of a Gantt Chart view - Microsoft Support
Gantt Chart views allow you see, at a glance, task information and columns and rows with corresponding bars along a timeline. You can customize the chart part of these views in …
Create a flow chart with SmartArt - Microsoft Support
This article explains how to create a flow chart that contains pictures. You can use the methods described in this article to create or change almost any SmartArt graphic. Try different layouts …
Edit titles or data labels in a chart - Microsoft Support
If your chart contains chart titles (ie. the name of the chart) or axis titles (the titles shown on the x, y or z axis of a chart) and data labels (which provide further detail on a particular data point on …
Sort data in a PivotTable or PivotChart - Microsoft Support
Select a field in the row or column you want to sort. Select the arrow on Row Labels or Column Labels , and then select the sort option you want. To sort data in ascending or descending …
Create an organization chart in Office by using SmartArt
Use a SmartArt graphic to create an organization chart in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, or Word to show the reporting relationships in an organization, such as department managers and non …
Create a PivotChart - Microsoft Support
Create a chart from a PivotTable. Select a cell in your table. Select Insert and choose PivotChart. Select a chart. Select OK.