Present data in a chart - Microsoft Support
For most charts, such as column and bar charts, you can plot the data that you arrange in rows or columns on a worksheet into a chart. However, some chart types (such as pie and bubble charts) require a specific data arrangement.
Create a column chart - Microsoft Support
Select Insert Chart > Column > Clustered Columns. Click on the Form Design grid in the location where you want to place the chart. In the Chart Settings pane, select Queries, and then select the query you want. In the example, select EastAsiaSalesQry.
Move or resize a chart - Microsoft Support
You can move a chart to any location on a worksheet or to a new or existing worksheet. You can also change the size of the chart for a better fit. By default, a chart is moved and sized with cells.
Format the bar chart of a Gantt Chart view - Microsoft Support
Gantt Chart views allow you see, at a glance, task information and columns and rows with corresponding bars along a timeline. You can customize the chart part of these views in Project to better suit your needs.
Create an organization chart in Office by using SmartArt
Use a SmartArt graphic to create an organization chart in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, or Word to show the reporting relationships in an organization, such as department managers and non-management employees.
Sort data in a PivotTable or PivotChart - Microsoft Support
In a PivotTable, select the small arrow next to Row Labels and Column Labels cells. Select a field in the row or column you want to sort. Select the arrow on Row Labels or Column Labels , and then select the sort option you want.
Change how rows and columns of data are plotted in a chart
After you switch rows to columns in the chart, the columns of data are plotted on the vertical axis, and the rows of data are plotted on the horizontal axis. However, you can quickly change the way that worksheet rows and columns are plotted in the …
Add or remove series lines, drop lines, high-low lines, or up-down …
Add or remove series lines, drop lines, high-low lines, or up-down bars in a chart. You can add predefined lines or bars to charts in several apps for Office. By adding lines, including series lines, drop lines, high-low lines, and up-down bars, to specific chart can help you analyze the data that is …
Wrap text and change row height in a Project view in Project …
A quick way to wrap text that isn't wrapped or completely visible in a cell is to increase the row height to enlarge the cell. In any sheet view, drag the bottom of the row heading (the leftmost cell) down until the text wraps onto the next line.
Pivot data in a PivotTable or PivotChart - Microsoft Support
In Excel, you can pivot data in a PivotTable or PivotChart by changing the field layout of the data. By using the PivotTable Field List, you can add, rearrange, or remove fields to show data in a PivotTable or PivotChart exactly the way that you want.