Rotaeno | 首款旋轉手機音樂遊戲
Rotaeno | Motion Control Mobile Rhythm Game
May 30, 2022 · Rotaeno is a motion control mobile rhythm game. In addition to tapping the screen, you have to rotate your phone as well! This unique motion control gameplay allows you to fully immerse into the music like never before.
Rotaeno | 사상 최초 회전형 모바일 리듬게임
Rotaeno. 플랫폼: 안드로이드, iOS 장르: 회전형 리듬게임 출시 날짜: 2022년 5월 30일
Rotaeno | 世界初の回す系スマホ音楽ゲーム
『Rotaeno -ロテーノ』は体感型スマホ向け音楽ゲーム。 リズムに合わせてノーツをタップしながら、スマホを回しなければなりません! 少女と一緒に、広い宇宙を探索する旅に出かけませんか。
Creative Guidelines - Rotaeno
「Rotaeno」は当タイトルに関する動画の作成、またはYoutubeへの投稿や、Twitchでのゲーム配信などを歓迎します。 また、より健全な内容を作るため、動画を作成する前に、下記の項目を理解し守ってください。
Press Kit - Rotaeno
《Rotaeno》 是全球首款旋轉手機音樂遊戲。獨特的旋轉玩法,讓你以身體去感受音樂,享受從未在手機上體驗過、如同街機音樂遊戲般的爽快感。 世界觀. 在世界末日的當下,與少女伊洛一同踏上最後一次宇宙旅程,尋找 預言所記載的應許之地。 特色
Creative Guidelines - Rotaeno
May 30, 2022 · 我們相當歡迎您根據「旋轉音律 Rotaeno」進行影音內容上的創作,例如將影片發布到Youtube、在Twitch進行遊戲直播等等。 為了讓遊戲社群更加健康與完善,我們希望您在進行影音內容創作前,確保您已了解並能遵守以下內容:
Contact - Rotaeno
May 30, 2022 · Send an email to [email protected] and we will be there to help! I want to ask you something about the game! Join Our Discord, and chat with the dev team and other wonderful players!
Blog | Rotaeno
Rotaeno. Platform: Android, iOS. Genre: Spinning Rhythm Game. Release Date: 30th May 2022
Post - Rotaeno
Since Rotaeno is mainly about rotation control, our level design have to guide the players to rotate their phone at the correct timing. We will use different notes (mainly Rotate and Catch, but also tap and slide) to guide the players to rotate the phone.