'AUSlo' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Strong, old rose fragrance. Average diameter 4". Large bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height: 42" to 8' (105 to 245cm). Width: 3' to 6' (90 to 185cm). USDA zone 5b …
AUSlo - High Country Roses
A classic velvet red English rose that is packed with petals and fragrance. Flowers are large, cupped, and quartered. Canes can be trained to climb and are armored with thrones. It is the …
Othello Rose (Rosa 'AUSlo') at Weston Nurseries
A fascinating rose, producing large and full crimson blooms that age to purple; vigorous and upright with a strong, fruity, old rose fragrance; needs full sun and well-drained soil; good …
Rosa Othello ('Auslo'PBR) (S) | rose [Othello] Roses/RHS - RHS …
A shrub rose about 1.2m high with very thorny stems, dark green leaves and strongly fragrant, semi-double, dark, rich crimson-pink flowers, which age to a more purplish shade, repeat …
Rosa Othello PP7212 | Rosa 'Othello' | Othello Rose - plant lust
Rosa Othello PP7212 is a broadleaf deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub with green foliage. In fall, spring and summer red flowers emerge. Grows well with sun and regular water. Does well in …
English Shrub Rose (Rosa 'Othello') in the Roses Database
Plant database entry for English Shrub Rose (Rosa 'Othello') with 19 images and 37 data details.
Rose Othello - Roses ABC
Nov 18, 2023 · The aroma of 'Othello' is highly expressive, strong, and deep, reminiscent of old roses, making it a fitting complement to the flowers. This variety demonstrates robust growth, …
Rose [Othello] Rosa Othello = 'Auslo' (PBR) (S) - whatplantisthis.io
[Othello] is a shrub rose about 1.2m high with very thorny stems, dark green leaves and strongly fragrant, semi-double, dark, rich crimson-pink flowers, which age to a more purplish shade, …
Buy AUSlo – English Rose - AGEL ROSEN
AUSlo (English Rose) - Satisfies through colour, fragrance and its upright growth. Good remontant, hardy rose which is also applicable for hedges.
- Reviews: 2
AUSlo kaufen – Englische Rose - AGEL ROSEN
AUSlo (Englische Rose) - Auslo überzeugt durch ihre Farbe, den starken Duft und geraden Wuchs. Sie ist eine gut remontierende und winterharte Rose. Die Blüten werden gern...
- Reviews: 2