Riga (moped) - Wikipedia
The Riga was a Latvian moped built in Riga between 1965 (60 years ago) and 1992 (33 years ago). In the 1960s, the idea of providing people of the Soviet Union with an easy to use, easy to maintain, motorised transport took form. The idea was followed by action and a plan was formed at Riga Engine Factory "Sarkanā zvaigzne".
Riga Secondary School No. 13 - Wikipedia
Riga Secondary School No. 13 (Latvian: Rīgas 13. vidusskola) is one of the best-known educational establishments in Riga, Latvia. The school provides basic education and general secondary education programmes.
Moped Riga 13 - a detailed review of the Soviet scooter
The Riga 13 moped is the scooter that at one time created a lot of noise around itself. Why did he gain such popularity?
Мопед Рига 13: технические характеристики, фото, видео
Эта модель производилась до 1998 года. «Рига-13» — самая массовая модель из мопедов «Рига». Один из недостатков — частая поломка крышки сцепления.
1983 Riga-13 - museum exhibit | 360CarMuseum.com
1983 Riga-13 The most successful moped of that time Riga-13 replaced the light moped Riga-11. It was produced since 1983 and provided with 1.3 hp engine, which accelerated the moped till 40 km/h.
» Легкий мопед «Рига-13» РМЗ-1.413-02 (1983-1998)
«Рига-13» производилась до 1998 года, это самая массовая модель Рижского мотозавода. Литература: Мопед РМЗ-1.413 и его модификации.
Riga-13 – Vikipeedia
Riga-13 on Lätis Riias valmistatud mopeed (mõnes kohas kirjeldatud ka kui abimootoriga jalgratas), mille mootori töömaht on 45 cm³. Mootoriks kasutati Leningradi tehases Krasnõi Oktjabr valmistatud jalgratta abimootoreid D6, D8 ja D8E ning D8M.
mopēds Rīga 13 - RetroMoto.lv
Mar 19, 2015 · mopēds Rīga 13 Katalogs » Riga. Tehniskie dati. Ražošanas gadi: 1983 - 1996: Motora tilpums: ... Riga Sprīdītis Riga. 1958 - 1958. Gauja Riga. 1961 - 1963. Riga 1 Riga. 1961 - 1965. Rīga 3 Riga. 1965 - 1969. Riga 5 Riga. 1966 - 1975. Riga 7 Riga. 1973 - …
Riga 13 Test Drive - YouTube
May 15, 2024 · Riga-13 - an iconic moped from the times of the USSR!Maximum speed - 40 km/h. Engine 2-stroke, 45.4 cc, 1.3 hp. Weight 42 kg. Single speed with clutch. Tire ...
Riga Riders - The Restauration Project: Moped ''Riga 13'' 1990
May 17, 2018 · The Restauration Project: Moped ''Riga-13'' 1990 Tallinn´s Old Moped Club: ''Riga Riders'' Mihkel Oss I do not own this song, it belongs to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement...