Riga (moped) - Wikipedia
The Riga was a Latvian moped built in Riga between 1965 (60 years ago) and 1992 (33 years ago). In the 1960s, the idea of providing people of the Soviet Union with an easy to use, easy to maintain, motorised transport took form. The idea was followed by action and a plan was formed at Riga Engine Factory "Sarkanā zvaigzne".
The Riga Moped: A Trailblazer in Soviet Two-Wheel Transportation
The first product in this line was Riga-1, which hit the market in 1965. Featuring an engine adapted from a Czechoslovakian model, Riga-1 established a platform upon which subsequent models were developed. However, as all innovators experience, the initial model wasn't without its …
Рига-1 — Википедия
Рига-1 — мопед производства рижского завода «Саркана Звайгзне», первый двухскоростной мопед советского производства.
Мопед «Рига-1» (1959-1965) - mopedmuseum.ru
После этого в 1960 году было выпущено 11 экземпляров мопеда «Рига-1» с чешскими двигателями, которые были направлены на тест. За 50 дней мопеды успешно прошли более 10000 км, после чего было принято решение о начале производства.
Riga Motorcycles - Sheldon's EMU
Bicycle production resumed in 1947, with machine tools supplied from the Soviet Union. The Riga moped was a Soviet-era machine produced from 1965 to 1992. The first model was the Riga-1 moped built in the late 1950s, also known as the RMZ.
Riga-1 power station - Global Energy Monitor
Riga-1 power station is an operating power station of at least 158-megawatts (MW) in Riga, Latvia. It is also known as RTEC1, Riga CHPP-1 power station.
Riga State Gymnasium No.1 - Wikipedia
Riga State Gymnasium No.1 (Latvian: Rīgas Valsts 1. ģimnāzija), the oldest school in the Baltic states, offers secondary education (grades 7 to 12) in Riga, the capital of Latvia. The school traces its origins to school of Riga Cathedral, which was founded in 1211, a decade after the foundation of Riga itself. [2]
Who we are - Neiroloģija - stacionārā ārstēšana - Rīgas 1. slimnīca
Riga 1st hospital is the oldest hospital in Latvia founded in 1803 under the personal edict of the emperor Alexander I, for two hundred years it has been acknowledged as a top-priority inpatient emergency and immediate care institution. In 2011 at the initiative of the Riga City council another renewal of the hospital was started.
mopēds Riga 1 - RetroMoto.lv
Riga 1 Riga. 1961 - 1965. Gauja Riga. 1961 - 1963. Rīga 3 Riga. 1965 - 1969. Riga 5 Riga. 1966 - 1975. Riga 7 Riga. 1973 - 1979. Rīga 12 Riga. 1974 - 1979. Rīga 16 Riga. 1978 - 1984. Rīga 11 Riga. 1979 - 1983. Rīga 18 Riga. 1981 - 1981. Riga 22 Riga. 1982 - 1986. Rīga 13 Riga. 1983 - 1996. Rīga 17s Riga. 1983 - Tom ...
Riga 1. Distance Education High School - School - R1TV.lv
The main aim of Riga 1. Distance Education High School ( R1DEHS ) is the overall implementation of educational programs, and ensuring access to education through distance education. R1DEHS provides education online, which …