Retro Flame Gossip Forum - Tattle Life
May 15, 2022 · Retro Flame Gossip Forum Retrobright (stylized as Retr0bright) is a chemical mixture used to remove yellowing from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic computer and electronics cases. It has some effects of wearing down labels, but includes computers that were manufactured by Commodore and Apple in the 1980s and 1990s, and various ...
Retro Flame #8 - Tattle Life
Mar 15, 2023 · New thread for Urka, Tammy, Kaelin, David, and the giant pup whose name I think is Joey. Mod edit: the "so dull no thread title" title has been done to death, yes they always get loads of votes. but if there's no title just leave it blank
Retro Flame #8 | Page 20 | Tattle Life
Mar 15, 2023 · I don’t mean this in a rude way towards Tommy because he seems like a normal guy. But what made no sense to me with her $1k+ dress, and as a fashion influencer; is that they wouldn’t have forked out for a correct dress shirt for him to wear. It seems that the money is there but the understanding...
Retro Flame aka Erika Fox - Tattle Life
Jul 4, 2020 · Retro Flame is a Fashion & Lifestyle Website which documents Erika’s work, travels, outfits and inspirations. Through blogging, she has worked with brands such as Michael Kors, Vera Wang and Ted Baker and has been featured in a wide range of national and international publications including Teen Vogue, Seventeen and The Sunday Times STYLE ...
Retro Flame #7 Soooow soooooow nice | Page 32 | Tattle Life
May 15, 2022 · Simple but clearly quite a few months/years salary. But it’s not a proposal ring- so it must be to her taste. I can’t help but think of Samantha in SATC helping Aidan pick the ring. Kaelin probably helped him pick it- based on the hundreds Retro had tried in the background. Retro obviously wanted a “rock” and a rock she got.
Retro Flame #6 #FreeKaelin - Tattle Life
Nov 9, 2021 · I base this, in particular, on the trip they took to California (just before the retro birthday saga & before Barbados). Kaelin said this trip was an anniversary trip for herself & the boyf, which they had to rearrange due to Covid. Retro & Tammy invited themselves along…on an anniversary trip.
Retro Flame #2 Making New York look bland, iced coffee in hand, …
Oct 23, 2020 · Retro Flame is a Fashion & Lifestyle Website which documents Erika’s work, travels, outfits and inspirations. Through blogging, she has worked with brands such as Michael Kors, Vera Wang and Ted Baker and has been featured in a wide range of national and international publications including Teen Vogue, Seventeen and The Sunday Times STYLE ...
Retro Flame #8 | Page 36 | Tattle Life
Mar 15, 2023 · Retro Flame #8. Start date Mar 15, 2023; Tags Retro Flame Threads ... her style was “retro” and ...
Retro Flame #8 | Page 37 | Tattle Life
Mar 15, 2023 · Tommy is a project manager in the Construction industry I believe. He owns an AirBnb in Shinnecock Hill NY, that he bought in April 2023 for $1.18M.
Retro Flame #3 Where is the 20k you won from Kerry Enterprise …
Jan 18, 2021 · Thank you @Marie_Eibhz for the perfect thread title! Recap of last thread: Beaches Driving a #sp Mercedes car Beige clothes Prefers brands to quality for money Sorry I'm literally falling asleep writing this recap because she is so mind numbingly boring