Ranunculus acris - Wikipedia
Ranunculus acris is a species of flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, and is one of the more common buttercups across Europe and temperate Eurasia. Common names include meadow buttercup, [1] tall buttercup, [2] common buttercup and giant buttercup.
Ranunculus acris — tall buttercup, tall crowfoot - Go Botany
Tall crowfoot is classified as a noxious weed only in Montana, but it is invasive across North America. It can dominate overgrazed pasture, where it can be toxic to livestock, although it is more often avoided by them. Anthropogenic (man-made or disturbed habitats), meadows and fields, shores of rivers or lakes.
In its native range of central and northeastern Europe, tall buttercup is considered a weed of old pastures and hayland. This plant can be weedy and invasive, and is listed as noxious in Montana.
Ranunculus acris - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Meadow Buttercup is a herbaceous perennial plant in the Ranunculaceae family native to Europe and Asia. It is often found in pastures blooming in the spring.
Ranunculus acris (Tall Buttercup) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Flowers are at the end of stems that arise from the leaf axils. Individual flowers are ½ to 1 inch across with 5 broad shiny yellow petals. There are numerous yellow stamens around the …
Ranunculus acris - USDA Plants Database
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Ranunculus acris (Meadow Buttercup) - World of Flowering Plants
Ranunculus acris is variable in appearance across the world. It is a somewhat hairy plant with ascending ungrooved flowing stems bearing bright yellow flowers up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) across. There are five overlapping petals borne above five green sepals that soon turn yellow as the flower matures. It has numerous stamens inserted below the ovary.
Tall Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) - Illinois Wildflowers
Ranunculus acris Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) Description: This herbaceous perennial plant produces basal leaves during the spring, after which flowering stems about 1½–3½' tall are produced.
Ranunculus acris in Flora of North America @ efloras.org
Ranunculus acris is variable in form and division of leaves, size of achene beak, and form of indument on the proximal stem. Most North American plants are weedy and have poorly differentiated caudices; these forms probably were introduced from Eurasia.
tall buttercup: Ranunculus acris (Ranunculales: Ranunculaceae ...
Ranunculus acris is a short lived perennial herbaceous plant. The plant is erect, hairy, grows from 10-40 in. (25.4-101.6 cm) tall and has fibrous roots. R. acris is native to temperate Asia and Europe. Foliage is divided and pilose with long petioles. Basal leaf blades of R. acris have 3-5 deep lobes that are also divided.