Rail (bird) - Wikipedia
Rails (avian family Rallidae) are a large, cosmopolitan family of small- to medium-sized terrestrial and/or semi-amphibious birds. The family exhibits considerable diversity in its forms, and includes such ubiquitous species as the crakes, coots, and gallinule; other rail …
of the skull, Himantornis is amazingly similar to the trumpeters (Psophiidae) and in fact comes closer to Psophia than to other rails (Fig. 1). Psophia differs in having the palatines, maxillopalatines, and the head of the lacrimal larger and more expanded and in its almost completely ossified interorbital septum.
Descriptions of all fossil Ralliformes - BirdForum
Mar 13, 2021 · On Dinornis (Part XV): Containing a Description of the Skull, Femur, Tibia, Fibula, and Metatarsus of Aptornis defossor, Owen, from near Oamaru, Middle Island, New Zealand, with Additional Observations on Aptornis otidiformis, on Notornis mantellii and on Dinornis curtis Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 7: 353-380
Rallidae - All Birds Wiki | Fandom
The rails, or Rallidae, are a large cosmopolitan family of small- to medium-sized ground-living birds. The family exhibits considerable diversity and also includes the crakes, coots, and gallinules.
Skulls and brain endcasts of rails (Rallidae) // MorphoSource
Skulls and brain endcasts of rails (Rallidae) Project ID: 000433635 Public 44 Media · 23 Specimens · Managed by: Takeshi Yamasaki This project archives data for Nakao et al. (2022): Relationship between flightlessness and brain morphology among Rallidae.
Category:Rallidae skulls - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Rallidae skulls" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
Fulica ardesiaca (Andean Coot) – skullsite
Rallidae : Genus: Fulica: Species: Fulica ardesiaca: Side, top and bottom view of skull. (Click on image to enlarge) Length: 0 mm: Length cranium: 0 mm: Width (cranium): 0 mm: ... No bird has been killed to get its skull or skeleton for this collection. All wild birds died of natural causes or accidental, and in a few cases due to legal hunting ...
Evolution of Flightlessness in Rails (Gruiformes: Rallidae ...
Jan 1, 2003 · Flightless members of the Rallidae span more than two orders of magnitude in body mass. Univariate comparisons of skin specimens confirmed a repeated pattern of relatively or absolutely shortened...
Rails, Gallinules and Coots | Birdfact
This map shows the combined distribution of all species in the Rallidae family. Colour intensity indicates the number of species present in each region: Darker colours = More species; Lighter colours = Fewer species
1. Top to bottom: Skulls of Psopkia leucoptera, Himantornis haematopus, and Canirallus oculeus. Note the lacrimal-ectethmoid contact (arrows) in Psophia and Himan- tornis, and the tenuous nasal bar in Canirallus versus the broad condition in the other two.
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