dromara/raincat: 强一致分布式事务框架 - GitHub
raincat is A strongly consistent distributed transaction framework. Good concurrency support, blocking spring transaction thread commit. When the execution of the slice is complete and there is no exception,
Raincat: 2阶段提交分布式事务中间件(Implement by 2 pc)
raincat is A strongly consistent distributed transaction framework. Good concurrency support, blocking spring transaction thread commit. When the execution of the slice is complete and there is no exception, the submission command is sent asynchronously by the coordinator to achieve strong consistency.
GitHub - zwjLedoc/Raincat: 分布式事务框架(二阶段提交+本地补 …
强一致性分布式事务,是基于二阶段提交+本地事务补偿机制来实现。 原理介绍. 基于java语言来开发(JDK1.8),支持dubbo,motan,springcloud进行分布式事务。 支 …
Raincat: GitHub 2PC分布式事务中间件 之前只支持SpringBoot1.x
强一致性分布式事务,是基于二阶段提交+本地事务补偿机制来实现。 原理介绍. 基于java语言来开发(JDK1.8),支持dubbo,motan,springcloud进行分布式事务。 无缝集成spring 或 spring boot。 支持dubbo,motan,springcloud,等rpc框架进行分布式事务。 事务发起者,参与者与协调者底层基于netty长连接通信,稳定高效。 协调者采用eureka做注册中心,支持集群模式。 采用Aspect AOP 切面思想与Spring无缝集成。 配置简单,集成简单,源码简洁,稳定性高,已在生产环境使用。 …
raincat/README.md at master · dromara/raincat - GitHub
raincat is A strongly consistent distributed transaction framework. Good concurrency support, blocking spring transaction thread commit. When the execution of the slice is complete and …
Raincat | Game Creation Society
Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
Home Page [dromara.org]
Sep 24, 2023 · Simple & Low-intrusion project management platform. Lightweight distributed log label tracking framework. Distributed monitoring system. Highly available and extensible RPC framework. The first Apache version v1.6.0 was released in HertzBeat! The rule engine LiteFlow released the v2.12.1 version. How hard did it use to know.
Raincat - Download
Jun 3, 2024 · Raincat is a delightful puzzle/platform game that brings together elements from classic titles like Lemmings and The Incredible Machine. The main objective is to safely guide a cute kitty through each level while ensuring it stays dry under the constant rain.
分布式事务:Raincat、TX-LCN、Seata 介绍 - CSDN博客
Apr 5, 2020 · Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案,致力于在 微服务架构 下提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务。 Seata 将为用户提供了 AT、TCC、SAGA 和 XA 事务模式. 在 Seata 开源之前,Seata 对应的内部版本在阿里经济体内部一直扮演着分布式一致性中间件的角色,帮助经济体平稳的度过历年的双11,对各BU业务进行了有力的支撑。 商业化产品 GTS 先后在阿里云、金融云进行售卖. TC(事务协调者,Transaction Coordinator):是 Server端,要单独部署,维 …
Raincat - Libregamewiki
Raincat is a 2D puzzle game written in Haskell. To win you need to keep the cat out of the rain.