New Quick Grip Pro From RAM Mounts: Secure Charging
Feb 6, 2025 · RAM Mounts is back at AIMExpo with a new universal phone mount that should be a good fit for riders who use their phones for everything while they’re on tour. The new Quick Grip Pro picks up as the next logical step in the RAM Mount lineup, as a universal claw-style mount that locks your phone in place with arms above, below and on the sides.
Peak Design Aluminum And RAM Anti-Vibration Phone Mounts
Feb 21, 2023 · Peak’s 1″ RAM ball mounted head sells for $49.95. So, if you already have a RAM setup, the RAM mount is definitely the cheaper way to go. Even if you don’t have a RAM setup, it is still likely the less expensive option. Conclusion: Both Peak Design mounts are solid pieces of kit and will securely hold your phone.
RAM phone mounts anti vibration solutions? - Adventure Rider
Jun 15, 2022 · The cheap Moto phones also have said camera voodoo, believe it or not. Without the rubber mounts on my Ram, I killed two phone cameras (also cheep Motorola phones) with vibration in a few months each. With the rubber mounts, cheap Moto camera mortality is still zero after a year and a half. Only a sample of one, but I'm happy so far.
How to mount equipment....RAM Mounts - an overview
Mar 9, 2019 · Here is an overview of some of the most common used mounts for motorcycles, the RAM Mounts. RAM Mounts offers a very flexible way to mount items to your vehicles. For example GPSes, phones and cameras. Check the video description to find the exact type numbers for the mounts presented.
RAM mount failure - Adventure Rider
Jun 10, 2005 · No RAM motorcyle approved mounts are plastic. I do remember reading something on the GoldWang forum about a fellow who lost his radar detector (or was it his capuchino machine?) due to the fact that he used a plastic RAM mount. If you are using plastic, get rid of it. Ride Safe, Vettster
RAM Quick Grip XL Phone Mount Review - Adventure Rider
Nov 10, 2019 · RAM Quick-Grip XL. And, that’s where the little things like the RAM Quick-Grip XL phone mount come into play. While at AIMExpo this year, RAM was introducing its new RAM Quick-Grip XL phone mount. RAM already had a smaller version of the Quick Grip. But they decided they needed a way to hold larger format phones like a Samsung S10.
Quadlock vs Ram X-Grip vs Ultimateaddons - Adventure Rider
Dec 6, 2021 · The Ram system is quite simple and efficient. I got used to it after buying their double take mirrors, which are a must have for all enduro/offroad riders. I then bought the Ram handlebar mount (2 screws clamp) and the ram extension, to extend the whole setup, and finally attach the X-Grip at the end.
RAM Mount & Garmin Discounts - **UPDATED FOR 2023
Apr 24, 2013 · Thanks for the reply! I've added a code to all three sites (www.gpscity.com www.gpscity.ca and www.expressmounts.com) that grants an instant 15% off of all RAM products. As always, shipping is free over $25 and since we're the largest stocking RAM dealer in the world, we'll typically get orders out the same day.
Ram Vibe Safe - Adventure Rider
Feb 3, 2022 · I’m in the same place as you. I see RAM sells a kit that includes the vibe-safe, but it’s out of stock everywhere but their website, which makes me think it’s not very popular. I’m hesitant to spend the money without knowing whether it is actually safe for new phones (specifically iPhone). RAM-B-149Z-A-PD4-462
Anyone use the Ram Quick Grip phone mount? | Adventure Rider
Jan 30, 2008 · My current Quad lock has been good for about 5k miles and now the plastic tab on the mount broke so can no longer use it. Today i was at the International Motorcycle show in Long Beach and RAM Mounts had a booth there with the quick grip mount that looked promising. Only issue would be wearing out the spring which I’m not sure happens or not.