Quzhou - Wikipedia
Quzhou[a] is a prefecture-level city in western Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. Sitting on the upper course of the Qiantang River, it borders Hangzhou to the north, Jinhua to the east, Lishui to the southeast, and the provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui to the south, southwest and northwest respectively.
衢州市 - 百度百科
衢州市, 浙江省 辖 地级市 [9],位于浙江省西部,钱塘江上游,浙、皖、赣、闽四省交界处,南接福建省 南平市,西连江西省 上饶市 、 景德镇市,北邻安徽省 黄山市,东与省内 金华市 、 丽水市 、 杭州市 三市相交;地处 金衢盆地 西段,以山地丘陵为主;属亚热带季风气候,四季分明,降水丰沛,总面积8844平方千米。 [29]截至2023年10月,衢州市下辖2个区、3个县,代管1个县级市。 截至2023年末,全市常住人口为229.7万人,户籍人口255万人。 [47] [56] [62]
衢州市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
衢 qú 州市,简称 衢,别称 柯城,是 中华人民共和国 浙江省 下辖的 地级市,位于浙江省西部。 市境北界 杭州市,东接 金华市,东南邻 丽水市,南连 福建省 南平市,西达 江西省 上饶市,西北毗 安徽省 黄山市,因此素有“四省通衢,五路总头 [3] ”之称。 地处 金衢盆地 西部,南、西、北三面环山,地貌多为山地丘陵。 东南属 仙霞岭,西北属 白际山,北部属 千里岗山,中部为衢江谷地。 常山港 、 江山港 于城区汇合成 衢江,往东横贯市境。 素称“居浙右之上游,控鄱阳之肘 …
Quzhou | Ancient City, Cultural Hub | Britannica
Quzhou, city, western Zhejiang sheng (province), China. Quzhou has been a natural transportation centre since ancient times, being situated on the upper stream of the Fuchun River —there known as the Changshan River—at its confluence with the Wuxi River.
今天白天最高气温22到24℃(较昨天高9℃左右),明天早晨最低气温13到15℃(较今天高2℃左右)。 2025年1月19日在衢州市第八届人民代表大会第五次会议上衢州市市长 徐张艳各位代表:现在,我代表市人民政府向大会报告工作,请予审议,并请市政协委员和其他列席人员提出意见。 3月6日下午,市委宣传思想文化工作领导小组召开会议,深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想和习近平总书记考察浙江重要讲话精神,全面落实全国宣传部长会议、加快建设高水平文化强省动员部署 …
衢州市政府门户网站 Profile of Quzhou - qz
Quzhou is Chin’s Excellent Tourism City and the first pilot national recreation area. There are 2 national AAAAA level scenic spots and 14 national AAAA level scenic spots. Quzhou has pioneered the carbon account system and promoted the reform of “Two Mountains Cooperative” throughout the city.
Quzhou Zhejiang: Southern Confucianism Communication Center
Quzhou is the connection city of Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. It has been playing important role in China's transportation since the ancient times. Quzhou Airport (JUZ) is located in the downtown area of the city. It has directly flights to Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Guiyang, Haikou, Jinan, Kunming, Qingdao and Shenzhen.
Quzhou, China
The official website for Quzhou, Zhejiang province, China, covering all local news, policies, cultural activities, travel information
南孔圣地 衢州有意思~ | An In-depth Tour in Quzhou, Zhejian…
Oct 20, 2020 · 衢州因山得名、因水而兴,仙霞岭山脉、怀玉山脉、千里岗山脉将衢州三面合抱,常山江、江山江、乌溪江等九条江在城中汇聚一体。 Quzhou is named after the surrounding mountain and flourishes because of the waters. Xianxialing Mountains, Huaiyu Mountains and Qianligang Mountains encircle the city in which nine rivers, including Changshan River, Jiangshan River and Wuxi River, converge. 六春湖 Liuchun Lake.
衢州市政府门户网站 quzhou English - qz
Quzhou lies in western Zhejiang Province and sits on the upper course of the Qiantang River, covering an area of 8,844 square kilometers. It borders four provinces, i.e. Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi a...