Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners ...
Dec 25, 2016 · Previous research has considered the effects of content familiarity and task repetition on second language (L2) performance, but few studies have looked at the effect of these factors on learners’ engagement in task performance.
Xuyan Qiu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
" Listening should be done communicatively": Do task-supported language teaching and post-task self-reflection facilitate the development of L2 listening proficiency? Picture or non-picture? The...
Yuen Yi LO | Associate Professor | DPhil - ResearchGate
My research interests include bilingual education (e.g. EMI and CLIL), teacher professional development, classroom interaction and assessment. In bilingual education programs, students learn...
Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners ... - scite
Qiu and Lo (2017) examined if each of topic familiarity and task repetition had any effects on the manner in which 60 EFL learners carried out four narrative tasks-two of the tasks were on familiar topics and the two others were on unfamiliar topics.
Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners ...
Previous research has considered the effects of content familiarity and task repetition on second language (L2) performance, but few studies have looked at the effect of these factors on learners’ engagement in task performance.
Jianing Qiu - Google Scholar
FPW Lo, Y Sun, J Qiu, B Lo. Nutrients 10 (12), 2005, 2018. 77: 2018: Point2volume: A vision-based dietary assessment approach using view synthesis. FPW Lo, Y Sun, J Qiu, BPL Lo. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (1), 577-586, 2019. 71: 2019: Mining discriminative food regions for accurate food recognition.
Content Familiarity, Task Repetition and Chinese EFL Learners ...
Qiu, Xuyan; Lo, Yuen Yi Language Teaching Research , v21 n6 p681-698 Nov 2017 Previous research has considered the effects of content familiarity and task repetition on second language (L2) performance, but few studies have looked at the effect of these factors on learners' engagement in task performance.
Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners ...
Jul 8, 2016 · Emotional engagement refers to learners' affective responses to different task conditions, which are often collected from different data sources, such as questionnaires (Phung et al., 2021) and...
Sci-Hub | Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL …
Qiu, X., & Lo, Y. Y. (2016). Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners’ engagement in second language use. Language Teaching Research, 21(6), 681–698. doi:10.1177/1362168816684368
Giving choices or making tasks relevant? Classroom practices that ...
Aug 1, 2023 · In L2 settings, Qiu and Lo (2017) found that tasks that were culturally and conceptually familiar were more facilitative of student engagement than unfamiliar tasks.