The Poem of Seven Steps - Wikipedia
The Seven Steps Verse, also known as the Quatrain of Seven Steps (traditional Chinese: 七步詩; simplified Chinese: 七步诗; pinyin: Qī Bù Shī; Cantonese Jyutping: Cat1 Bou6 Si1), is a highly allegorical poem that is usually attributed to the poet Cao Zhi.
《七步诗》是 三国 时期 魏国 诗人 曹植 (存在争议)的诗作。 此诗用同根而生的萁和豆来比喻同父共母的兄弟,用萁煎其豆来比喻同胞骨肉的哥哥残害弟弟,深入浅出地反映了封建统治集团内部的残酷斗争,表现了诗人自身艰难的处境,表达了他对 曹丕 的强烈不满和沉郁愤激的思想感情。 全诗语言浅显,寓意明畅,用喻贴切,形象感人。 七步诗. 煮豆持作羹 ⑴,漉豉以为汁 ⑵。 萁在釜下燃 ⑶,豆在釜中泣 ⑷。 本自同根生,相煎何太急 ⑸? [1] 七步诗. 煮豆持作羹,漉豉以为汁 …
Learn Chinese:Chinese Poems – Lesson 179 七步诗(qī bù shī)
May 27, 2014 · When his brother Cao Pi became the king, he was asked to compose a poem within seven steps duration, or he would be executed. In the poem, Cao Zhi uses “the beanstalks torture the beans” as a metaphor to expose Cao Pi’s brutal oppression.
The Seven Steps Verse - Vision Times
Nov 8, 2021 · The Seven Steps Verse (七步詩 Qi Bu Shi) Beanstalks are ignited to boil beans, (煮豆燃豆萁, zhu dou ran dou qi) In the pot the beans weep. (豆在釜中泣, dou zai fu zhong qi) [We are] born of the selfsame root, (本是同根生, ben shi tong gen sheng)
这首诗用同根而生的萁和豆来比喻同父共母的兄弟,用萁煎其豆来比喻同胞骨肉的哥哥曹丕残害弟弟,表达了对曹丕的强烈不满,生动形象、深入浅出地反映了封建统治集团内部的残酷斗争和诗人自身处境艰难,沉郁愤激的思想感情。 前四句描述了燃萁煮豆这一日常生活现象,曹植以“豆”自喻,一个“泣”字充分表达了受害者的悲伤与痛苦。 第二句中的“漉豉”是指过滤煮熟后发酵过的豆子,用以制成调味的汁液。 “萁”是指豆茎,晒干后用来作为柴火烧,萁燃烧而煮熟的正是与自己 …
七步诗 Quatrain of Seven Steps – Elucidation Learning
Nov 2, 2021 · With a sad heavy heart and tears streaming, Cao Zhi walked the seven steps and stopped. With extreme sorrow, a breaking and intermittently frail voice, he began reciting the above poem, comprising of four verses with five characters in each verse. Being a genius scholar, he had composed that poem inside his head whilst taking the seven paces!
The Seven-step Verse [七步诗] | Gintai_昇泰
Mar 30, 2012 · According to legend, the great warlord Cao Cao was succeeded by his son Cao Pi as the King of Wei state. Maybe Cao Pi inherited his father Cao Cao’s extreme suspicion and jealousy traits, he harboured great distrust on his own brother Cao Zhi. Cao Zhi was a genius in classical literature and the arts.
Seven steps into poetry | Poems and Idioms
Someone can finish a poem in seven steps. It is a metaphor for being talented and quick-witted in writing. 南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·文学》:“文帝尝令东阿王七步中作诗,不成者行大法;应声便为诗曰:‘煮豆持作羹,漉菽以为汁;萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣;本自同根生,相煎何太急! ’帝深有惭色。 During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a man named Cao Zhi (Zi Jian). His poems were "of a high bone quality and a magnificent diction".
Chinese Classical Poem--0010: Qi Bu Shi -- A Poem Was Written …
Hi, friends, today's Chinese classical poem names Qi Bu Shi, in English means a poem was written within walking seven steps. In Chinese literature history, there is a very famous poem group of a father and two sons. They are just Cao2 Cao1, Cao2 Pi1 and Cao2 Zhi1.
Poem: 七步诗 by Cao Zhi - PoetryNook.Com
qí zài fǔ xià rán , dòu zài fǔ zhōng qì 。 běn shì tóng gēn shēng , xiāng jiān hé tài jí ? 煮豆持作羹,漉菽以为汁。 萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣。 本是同根生,相煎何太急?