QBU-88 - Wikipedia
The QBU-88 rifle (Mandarin: Qīngwuqi Bùqiāng Jūjī; "Light Weapon, Rifle, Sniper") (also sometimes referred to as Type 88 rifle) was the first weapon of the newest generation of Chinese small arms, chambered for proprietary 5.8×42mm DBP87 ammunition.
QBU-88 Chinese 5.8mm Sniper Rifle - United States Army
The QBU-88 sniper rifle is a Chinese bullpup designated marksman rifle developed by Norinco for the People's Liberation Army. The QBU-88 rifle is a gas-operated semi-automatic rifle. It...
Designated marksman rifle - Wikipedia
The QBU-88 is a designated marksman rifle deployed by the People's Liberation Army and People's Armed Police, intended for aimed semi-automatic fire at ranges beyond the capabilities of standard infantry assault rifles.
NORINCO QBU-88 (Type 88) Sniper Rifle - Military Factory
May 11, 2022 · The QBU-88 (also known as the Type 88) represents a modern sniper rifle made available to the People's Liberation Army of China. The weapon system was developed in the 1980's and accepted into service towards the end of the decade.
QBU-88 - Wikiwand
The QBU-88 rifle (Mandarin: Qīngwuqi Bùqiāng Jūjī; "Light Weapon, Rifle, Sniper") (also sometimes referred to as Type 88 rifle) was the first weapon of the newest generation of Chinese small arms, chambered for proprietary 5.8×42mm DBP87 ammunition.
88式狙擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
88式狙擊步槍 (QBU-88)是由 中國北方工業公司 研製的 狙擊步槍,為目前 中國人民解放軍 的制式狙擊步槍之一。 88式是中華人民共和國自主開發的狙擊步槍,以西方標準歸類為 精確射手步槍 (Designated Marksman Rifle; DMR),結構為短行程氣動式活塞運作。 該槍的出現是為了取代由在 中越戰爭 中從 越南人民軍 繳獲的 SVD狙擊步槍 所仿製而成的79式/85式狙擊步槍。 88式全重4.2公斤,全長920公釐,瞄準基綫長394公釐,10發 彈匣,裝配的白光瞄準鏡重650克,最大 …
88式狙击步枪 - 百度百科
qbu-88式狙击步枪是中国独立研制的第一支狙击步枪,也是世界上第一支列入现役装备的小口径狙击步枪。它于 1996 年完成生产试制任务,1997 年首先装备驻港部队。该枪枪身全长 920 毫米,全系统质量 4.2 千克(不带弹),弹匣容量 10 发,有效射程 800 米1。
NORINCO QBU-88 (Type 88) - Military Equipment Guide With …
The QBU-88 (also known as the Type 88) is a modern sniper rifle supplied to the People's Liberation Army. The weapon system was developed in the 1980s and entered service by the end of the century. It has been produced in limited numbers since then, and a …
88式狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
88式狙擊步槍 (QBU-88)是由 中国北方工业公司 研製的 狙擊步槍,為目前 中國人民解放軍 的制式狙擊步槍之一。 88式是中華人民共和國自主開發的狙擊步槍,以西方標準歸類為 特等射手步槍 (Designated Marksman Rifle; DMR),結構為短行程氣動式活塞運作。 該槍的出現是為了取代由在 中越戰爭 中從 越南人民軍 繳獲的 SVD狙擊步槍 所仿製而成的79式/85式狙擊步槍。 88式全重4.2公斤,全長920毫米,瞄准基綫長394毫米,10發 彈匣,装配的白光瞄準鏡重650克,最大 …
QBU-88 - Modern Firearms
QBU-88 sniper rifle, disassembled. Caliber: 5.8×42 Chinese, special sniper/MG loading Operation: gas operated, rotating bolt Barrel: 620 mm Weight: 4.1 kg Length: 920 mm Feed Mechanism: 10 rounds detachable box magazine Effective range:...