Tank Archives: Devourer of Tungsten
Nov 18, 2017 · The shell type is written down as "Pzgr.40", but that is a mistake, as the conical barrel of a Pak 41 would have been torn off by a regular shell. It is impossible to determine today what kind of shell was used.
German Ammunition Nomenclature - Panzerworld
Feb 6, 2023 · Panzergranate 41 (Pzgr 41) Armor-piercing, composite, non-rigid (APCNR) ammunition for squeeze-bore guns was referred to as Panzergranate 41. Two variants of the 7,5 cm Pzgr Patr 41 was created as tungsten ammunition production ceased.
three-component measurements on a model of the 7.5 em-pzgr 41 (St…
General German Translation: dreikomponenten - messungen an Modell der 7.5 em-pzgr 41 (St.K.). 7.5 cm-F-Pzgr 41 und 7.5 cm - Granste 41. Author/Editor: Raffel, Dr. Kurzweg, Dr. Lehnert, Dr. Hermann
2.8 cm sPzB 41 - Wikipedia
There were two shell types for the taper-boresPzB 41: the armor-piercing 2.8 cm Pzgr.41and the fragmentation 2.8 cm Sprg.41, shown left and right respectively in the illustration below.
late war tank ammo developments: Pzgr. TS - WW2Aircraft.net
Mar 2, 2005 · In mid 1943, shortage of tungsten issued a production memorandum banning the production of Pzgr40/43 APCR shot. The following outlines are my synthesis of archival material, sources which remained unpublished as far as I am aware off. Production instead shifted to the more improved, small filler APCBC-HE (Pzgr.39 series).
Panzergranate 40 - Axis History Forum
Apr 18, 2006 · What I'm trying to find out is that why the Pzgr. 40 production for calibers 75mm and up was discontinued if it could also be manufactured with a steel core (St)?
VK 36.01 (H) The Tiger I father - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
Jul 16, 2023 · Four types of ammunition were developed for the 7.5 cm Pak 41 Pzgr. 41 H.K.: armour piercing tracer ammunition with a tungsten carbide core. Mass 2.58 kg, muzzle velocity 1260 m/s. Pzgr. 41 St.: armour piercing tracer ammunition with a steel core. Mass 3.00 kg, muzzle velocity 1170 m/s. Pzgr. 41 W.: armour piercing tracer ammunition.
2.8 cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 (sPzB 41) or "Panzerbüchse 41": …
Feb 7, 2025 · 2.8 cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 (sPzB 41) or "Panzerbüchse 41" was a German anti-tank weapon working on the squeeze bore principle. Officially classified as a heavy anti-tank rifle (German: schwere Panzerbüchse), it would be better described, and is widely referred to, as a light anti-tank gun. Description.
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition, Part 14; German 7.5 cm Pak. 41 Cartridge Q.F. A.P.B.C./T. shot (7,5 cm Pzgr.Patr. 41 Hk)Fig. 9 Fig. 10
Armata przeciwpancerna 7,5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 41
Pocisk przeciwpancerny 7,5 cm Pzgr. 41 (Hk) typu APCNR z wykonanym z węglika wolframu rdzeniem osadzonym w korpusie z miękkiego żelaza oraz przykrytym osłoną balistyczną.