Panzergranate 40 - Axis History Forum
Apr 18, 2006 · The common belief that Pzgr. 40 was phased out in 1943 due to shortage of tungsten seems completely untrue for atleast two reasons: 1: The higjly effective Pzgr. 40 (Stahlkern) could be manufactured without tungsten and still penetrate 300 mm at point blank (8,8cm L/71). 2: The Finns had Pzgr. 40's in the summer of 1944 in such quantities that ...
Zugführerwagen 40 Z.W. 40 - Ground - War Thunder - Official Forum
Aug 23, 2023 · Pzgr.40 (APCR) 0,925 kg 21x75mm 335g Core 1050 m/s 118mm/10m (Yes the drawing sayes 0,9kg, however pretty much all captured stock was 0,925kg.) image 714×2109 108 KB
Pak 38 Pzgr.40 and 40/1 - Page 3 - Axis History Forum
Dec 4, 2018 · The Graph I posted is created from the Krupp one. Other pages for your Pzgr.40 information: page 1 from H.Dv. 119/324 Pak 40 75 mm. pages 2 and 3 from H.Dv. 119/328 Tiger I 88 mm. page 4 from H.Dv. 119/329 Pak 43 88 mm. (Unlike page 1 and pages 2-3, I combined two pages from this FT to get them on one page.)
Marder II (7,5 cm) - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
Oct 30, 2024 · Pzgr.40 (Apcr) 4,1kg 28x111mm 0,9kg Core 990m/s 192mm/10m Pzgr.40(W) (Apbc) 4,1kg solid 990m/s 132mm/10m (Used till 1000m as cheaper alternative to Pzgr.39 and Pzgr.40, better velocity made it easyer to aim, flat block face meant its a bit better against angle, its made from softsteel, deforms instead of penetrates armor, better against harder ...
Panzer III Ausf. G - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
Dec 25, 2023 · The 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 was first mounted after the battle of France, befor that it also had the 3,7 cm KwK L/45, maybe, cince it has a higher velocity and reload speed, it can be implemented as an optional modification, as the Pzgr., Pzgr. 40 and Sprgr. 40 can still be usefull, while the 5 cm Pzgr. 39, Pzgr. 40 and Sprgr. 38 would be more ...
3.7 cm KwK 36 Pzgr. 40 APCR - Axis History Forum
Dec 21, 2019 · PzGr. 40 was in service with at least some of the anti-tank battalions of the German Army during the Battle for France. Some were flown in during the campaign, so my assumption would be, that it was not issued from the start of the campaign, but supplied during the campaign as it became available.
A discussion about Tungsten Cored Ammunition (APCR/HVAP, …
Aug 15, 2023 · As a side note, in-game core weight and core diameter for the Pzgr.40/43 APCR round is 2 kg and 35 mm. Meaning it is both a core that is slightly too small (making it more dense and achieve more penetration than if it were the correct diameter) and even denser still due to being heavier, assuming the 1.927 kg weight is correct.
German WW1/2 Tank, Anti Tank guns and more of 7,92mm - 21 cm
Apr 6, 2024 · Pzgr.40(W) (Apbc) 4,1kg solid 919 / 930 / 990m/s 119-132mm/10m (Used till 1000m as cheaper alternative to Pzgr.39 and Pzgr.40, better velocity made it easyer to aim, flat block face meant its a bit better against angle, its made from softsteel, deforms instead of penetrates armor, better against harder armor.
Pz 38 (t) mit Wurfrahmen 40 - Ground - War Thunder - official forum
Mar 13, 2024 · poll I would like to suggest a new premium Pz 38(t) with the Wurfrahmen 40, similar to how the Matilda Hegehog allready is in game. It would offer a another vehicle, that can fight like any other with normal cannon armarment, as well as having 2x Wurfrahmen 40, which are more or less aquivalent to 100 kg Bombs from planes, with great range, tho not so great accuracay. It would add another ...
A discussion about Tungsten Cored Ammunition (APCR/HVAP, …
Aug 25, 2023 · That’s what I initially thought, expecting the soviet shell to be essentially an up-scaled 7.5cm PzGr.40, but after running some calculations, I’ve realized that you can’t achieve 200mm+ of pen at 500m with such small core, and only 1020m/s of …