Panzer III Ausf. G - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
Dec 25, 2023 · The 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 was first mounted after the battle of France, befor that it also had the 3,7 cm KwK L/45, maybe, cince it has a higher velocity and reload speed, it can be implemented as an optional modification, as the Pzgr., Pzgr. 40 and Sprgr. 40 can still be usefull, while the 5 cm Pzgr. 39, Pzgr. 40 and Sprgr. 38 would be more ...
Is tiger h1 worth the grind? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
Aug 11, 2024 · What’s OHK? It does matter, Panther has only 29g of TNT equivalent. Tiger has 215g on PzGr. and 108g on Pzgr.39, T-34-85 has 164g, M36 has 137g, even a Sherman 76 has 64g. Combined with the fact that a Panther has the same reload as a Tiger, T-34-85 and M36 of 9.62s/9.75s (stock crew for good reference), it makes a huge difference. For comparison M4A3E8 has 7.67s and twice the TNT. I don’t ...
Overhaul of Gaijin calculator - Gameplay - War Thunder
Aug 8, 2024 · It’s crazy but the fuze for the 88mm Pzgr. weighs a whooping 950g with tracer, compared to the Pzgr. 39 fuze, which weighs merely around ~333g. What’s interesting is that the 128mm Pzgr. and Pzgr. 43 are pretty much the same design as the 88mm Pzgr., having an enormous cavity but the fuze for the 128mm is actually much smaller, weighing ...
Am I the only one? - General Discussion - War Thunder
Mar 15, 2024 · The german 75 is very good. I have even used it at 6.7 on the pakpuma. As for the apcr, it has high flat pen but it is horrible against angles and does not do much damage.
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) …
Feb 8, 2024 · 47mm guns got Pzgr. 36(t), Pzgr. 36(j) and Pzgr. 35(ö) umg. And 47mm adapted 5 cm Pzgr. 40 was also made. 75mm guns got K. Gr. Pz (p) (which is a refitted K. Gr. Pz. Rot) 76mm guns had different 7,62 cm Pzgr 39, Pzgr 39 Rot (which are adapted K. Gr. Rot Pz and Pzgr 39) different Sprgr. 39 and even Pzgr 40.
Marder II (7,5 cm) - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
Oct 30, 2024 · Pzgr.40 (Apcr) 4,1kg 28x111mm 0,9kg Core 990m/s 192mm/10m Pzgr.40(W) (Apbc) 4,1kg solid 990m/s 132mm/10m (Used till 1000m as cheaper alternative to Pzgr.39 and Pzgr.40, better velocity made it easyer to aim, flat block face meant its a bit better against angle, its made from softsteel, deforms instead of penetrates armor, better against harder ...
Heat (fs) in WW2 era - Realistic Battle - War Thunder
Sep 23, 2024 · I really gotta try that shell, everyone keeps talking wonders about it… I always go with pzgr 39 because of the higher pen; I figured you just gotta place your shot more carefully, which is easier when you have more places to pen more easily, but since everyone keeps bringing pzgr’s over pressure… I am curious now, hahah. Maybe when I get ...
German WW1/2 Tank, Anti Tank guns and more of 7,92mm - 21 cm
Apr 6, 2024 · Pzgr.40(W) (Apbc) 4,1kg solid 919 / 930 / 990m/s 119-132mm/10m (Used till 1000m as cheaper alternative to Pzgr.39 and Pzgr.40, better velocity made it easyer to aim, flat block face meant its a bit better against angle, its made from softsteel, deforms instead of penetrates armor, better against harder armor.
M26 SHOULD return to 6.3 - Realistic Battle - War Thunder
Nov 21, 2023 · That being said the M26 Pershing while “historically accurate” should be fighting Tiger 2s as the game has it currently, The M26 performs a lot better at 6.3 and actually isn’t overpowered, Besides that the PzGr 39 round that Germany has is actually busted with it’s penetration power and just kills everything with ease.
Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon
Aug 14, 2023 · There is a surprising difference between the british and the german data. According to German chart, the 7.5cm PzGr.39 should reliably pen only 100mm/0° at 650m/s, but the british chart gives 50% penetration limit at 2132fps of approximately 113mm/0°.